Q10 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 188, 189. 1895. Hmm ¥¤i¤¤l>¤¤· That for the purpose of carrying this section into eifect the sum of in one thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, which sum shall be reimbursed to the United States out oitthe pflogeetds zi; the nist saées of landsilmade d the `sions here eac .r1 c e c arg on y wi e dm gxllpeeilises agtgiiding the sale bf itsl ow; hands. to th Ki k t bB
- ”°**°°"* *° ‘ Th t b f r n f the surplus an s e onging e c apoo ri
hm of Indian; (Shall bfeosold under the provisions of this section there shall he allotted by the Secretary of the Interior eighty acres to of the P,,,,-,, children of said tribe residing on or adjacent tousiaidraeseggition yvho A u¤ an · h ot heretofore received any lan s: Prevt a 's sec ion °‘"‘? on 0 W mstzyélile adopted or rejected separate and apart frdm the other provisions of this Act, by the said Kickapoo tribe. _ .2** *5*** *•> Sec. 11. That in all payments or disbursements of money to Indians °°°ym°°t°' individually the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to detail an officer from his Department or appoint a special agent to make or to supermtend and inspect such payment; and when Ocmpcmacia- made by special agent;thehSecret:.1ry shlatll nfl a reatsonaiblg aompensation for the services 0 suc speci ago an pay 1 on o e money to be disbursed. In all cases the agent making such payment shall 1;...;, give bond to the United States in double the amount to be·disbursed, ‘ with good and sufficient security, to be approved by the Secretary, · conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. All such pay- ments to bmade under such rules and regubtions as the Secretary may pnescri Approved, March 2, 1895. . QHAP. .-·—· akin a riatinsf suudr `vil ses fth G ·
ernment fcgnthe iitenalygegr endfngpgiiiiie thi1l:ieth(:!eighte¢3'n°hundxre,<l’x;nd ‘hine:y·s‘i;,
Bhd fi)! ot QT {Duty0BOB. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United sunny tim sx- States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, my ‘Pl"°"‘* and the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, namely: '1`¤¤¤¤W ¤•=v=**· UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ment. Public \¤¤ildi¤s¤- PUBLIC BUILDINGS. A11e;1m»y,r¤. For post-oftice at Allegheny, Pennsylvania: For continuation of building under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. nugwmgunurma. For Bureau of Engraving and Printing: For the construction of a
- 8 “""“· third additional story to the old boiler house of the main building,
includinlg the extensicin and renelwgllpf elevator on the west side of said boi er house twe ve thousan dollars. Bu,,.,,0_ For post·office’at Buiiglmglew Yofka For continuation of building under present limit one un red an twenty-five thousand dollars.
- ,,,,.k,,,,,_M,,,,_ For postonice and other Government offices at Brockton, Massachu-
_ Aw- 1**%- setts: For securing a site for the construction of the public building, twenty-five thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury is com-m. authorized to contract for the completion of said building including heating and ventilating apparatus, fire-proof vaults, elevators, and approaches complete, within the limit of cost prescribed in the law, sub`ect to the appropriations to be made b Con ress. J PP P _ Y g c1m1s¤¤m,s.c. For the public building at Charleston, South Carolina: For completion of building, forty thousand dollars. cnsewrm _ In order to provide accommodations for the Government officials in T¤¤¤r¤¤rr¤¤¤¢’·¤z· the city of Chicago now occupying the present building, during the