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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/940

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FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. 9]] erection of the proposed new building, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to accept for use temporarily any site that may be ollered for such use free of cost and rent and to erect thereon a temporary building, complete, including heating and ventilating apparatus therefor, and the sum of two hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, to be immediately available, of which amount the sum of nm. twenty-seven thousand dollars, or so much thereof as maybe necessary, may be used for the rental of buildings for one year· aid temporary building to be so erected shall be removed by the (lovernment when said new building is completed and ready for use. In pursuance of the Act of Congress entitled “An Act to provide m¤¤¤,;¤¤;¤{:{·,¤¤•¤•¤* vf for the erection of a Government uilding at Chicago, Illinois," ap- tulsa;. °°° P"` proved February twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the A”"·P·°“· sum of three hundred thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the commencement and continuation of the building, of which amount the sum of thirty thousand dollars is hereby authorized to be expended by the Secretary of the Treasury to employ temporarily draftsmen and skilled service, which may be necessary in the preparation of plans and specifications for the said building, this amount to be exclusive of any moneys that he may be authorized to expend for the services of engineers, dcraltsmen, and other persons employed in the preparation of ' plans and specifications for any other public buildings. For postolice aa Clarksville, Tennessee: For completion of building cmnvme, mm. - . under present limit, lifteen thousand dollars. · For public building at Cumberland, Maryland: For purchase of site j¤¤¤¤r1:_g¤·1l¤- and commencement of building, twenty-five thousand dollars; and the ”°"‘ Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to contract for the completion cum-an of said building at a cost, including site therefor, heating and ventilat~ ‘ ing apparatus, tire-proof vaults, and approaches complete, not to . exceed seventy-five thousand dollars. - For the public building at Fort Dodge, Iowa: For completion of Fm Dodge Inn. three additional rooms in said building and placing additional dormers in the root, onethousand five hundred dollars, in addition to the balance of the appropriation now available. For post-onice at Fort Worth, Texas: For completion of building Fm Worth. Tax. under present limit, forty thousand dollars. For post-oillce and courthouse at Kansas City, Missouri: For- con- K¤¤¤·¤<>i¤y.1i•»· tinpation of building under present limit, one hundred thousand dollars. That the Secretary of the Treasury may authorize a contract or con- ,,:f,°”*'°°“ °““*°*'· tracts to be entered into for the construction of any portion or the ' whole of the post-oiice at Allegheny, Pennsylvania: court-house and Arrsgpsgyrs post-office at Detroit, Michigan; custom-house at Portland, Oregon; £§f.{{}}f;_,,§,§',§k_ post-oflice at Pueblo, Colorado, and courthouse and postoffice at 13¤¤M•>·0•>¤<>· Savannah, Georgia, within the respective limits of cost prescribed by °°"""‘°"°" law lor said buildings and suoiect to appropriations to be made therefor by Congress. For court-house and post-office at Little Rock, Arkansas: To con- I·*°*l¤ B°*=k·A*¥- struct an addition to the United States court-house and post-office and enlarging jndge’s chamber and the offices of the marshal and clerk of the circuit and district courts, and for an elevator, fifty-eight thousand _ dollars. For courthouse and post-office at Meridian, Mississippi; The Secre- M¤f*·**¤¤»Mi¤¤~ tary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, if in his discretion he thinks V¤1-26. r-695 it to the public interest to do so, to exchange the site formerly pur- Cl¤¤¤s¤ uhm chased for said building and now owned by the United States for another and more suitable site: Provided, That the exchange can_be rmpaa. effected without cost to the United States. °°"‘“"°"· For court-house and post-office at Meridian, Mississippi: The limit of Um ¤¤¢¤¤d¤¤1 cost of building and site therefor, including heating and ventilating apparatus, fireproof vaults, elevators, and approaches complete, 1S hereby extended to eighty thousand dollars; and the Secretary of the