918 FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. F¤z ¤iz¤¤¤¤· EXPENSES or Foe SIGNALS: For establishing, replacing, duplicating, and improving fog signals and buildings connected therewith, and for repairs and incidental expenses of the same, seventy thousand dollars. 1¤¤pmu¤g,m. INSPEOTING LIGHTS: For mileage or traveling expenses of members of the Light·House Board, including rewards paid for information as to collisions, and for the apprehension of those who damage light·house property, three thousand dollars. I·iz1¤¤¤g¤friv¤r¤· LIGHTING OF Rrvnnsz For establishing, supplying, and maintaining post lights on the Hudson and East rivers, New York; the Raritan River, New Jersey; Connecticut River, Thames River, between Norwich and New London, Connecticut; the Delaware River, between Philadelphia and Bordentown, New Jersey; the Elk River, Maryland; York River, Virginia; Cape Fear River, North Carolina; Savannah River, A Georgia; Saint Johns and Indian rivers, Florida; at Chicott Pass, and to mark navigable channel along Grand Lake, Louisiana; at the mouth of Red River, Louisiana; on the Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, · Illinois, and Great Kanawha rivers; Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, California; on the Columbia and Willaniette rivers, Oregon; on Puget Sound, Washington Sound, and adjacent waters, Washington; and the channels in Saint Louis and Superior bays, at the head of Lake Superior; the Light-House Board being hereby authorized to lease the necessary ground for all such lights and beacons as are for temporary use or are used to point out changeable channels, and which in consequence can not be made permanent, three hundred thousand dollars. S¤¤*¤r 0* ¤**°¤· Sunvnv or Lmnr-nonsn srcrnsz For preliminary examinations, surveys, and plans for determining the proper sites and cost of lighthouses and structures for which estimates are to be made to Congress, , one thousand dollars. I-*f¤~S¤*i¤g $°"*°°- LIFE·SAVING sEBv1cE. Surcrinwudenw For salaries of superintendents for the life-saving stations as follows: L For one superintendent for the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the coast of Massachusetts, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one assistant superintendent for the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, one thousand two hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the coast of New Jersey, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent of the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the liiesaving stations and for the houses of refuge on the coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the lifesaving and lifeboat stations on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the life-saving and lifeboat stations on the coasts of Lakes Ontario and Erie, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the lifesaving and lifeboat stations on She coasts of Lakes Huron and Superior, one thousand six' hundred ollars; For one superintendent for the life-saving and lifeboat stations on the coast of Lake Michigan, one thousand six hundred dollars; For one superintendent for the life-saving and lifeboat stations on the coasts of Wasliington, Oregon, and California, one thousand six hundred dollars; in all, twenty thousand four hundred dollars.
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