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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/946

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FIFTY-THIRD CON GRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 189. 1895. 917 Staten Island Lighthouse Depot, New York: For continuing the con- S¤¤¤¤!¤|•¤1D·r<>¤- struction of the sea wall, rebuilding the south whari, and dredging the basin, at the general lighthouse depot at Tompkinsville, Staten Island, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Tibbetts Point Light Station, Lake Ontario and Saint Lawrence T*l>l>¤**•P¤*¤tN-Y- River, New York: For constructing and equipping, complete for service, a fog signal, four thousand three hundred dollars. Mobile Ship hannel lights, Alabama: For establishing additional 13¢f¤b¤¤.Al¤. lights in the Mobile Ship Channel, Alabama, thirty thousand dollars. WP °1""“°l‘ Manitowoc Light Station, Wisconsin: For establishing a steam fog Mnmcwcewss. signal at Manitowoc Pierhead Light Station, Lake Michignn,Wisconsin, five thousand five hundred dollars. North Manitou Light and Fog-Signal Station, Michigan: For estab North Manitou Is- _ lishing a light and fog-signal station on North Manitou Island, Lake ]““d’Mi°h‘ Michigan, Michigan, twenty thousand dollars. Porte des Morts Range Lights and Fog-Signal Station, Michigan: P1¤¤¤l>I~1¤¤•1·Mi¤1¤- For establishing range lights and a steam fog signal on or near Plumb Island, in the Porte des Morts (Death’s Door) passage, entrance to · Green Bay, Lake Michigan, Michigan, twenty-one thousand dollars. South Fox Island Fog Signal, Michigan: For establishing a steam smh rex mma, fog signal at South Fox Island light-station, Lake Michigan, Michigan,. “‘°"· five thousand five hundred dollars. Sturgeon Bay Canal Light Station, Wisconsin: For establishing a SturgeonBayCsnal, light station at or near the entrance to the Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal, W"' Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, twenty thousand dollars. Sheboygan Pierhead Light Station, Wisconsin: For establishing a Sb¤¤¤yz¤¤,Wi¤. steam fog signal at Sheboygan Pierhead Light Station, entrance to Sheboygan Harbor, Wisconsin, five thousand five hundred dollars. Oil houses for light stations: For establishing isolated oil houses for 0** ¤°¤¤·•· the storage of mineral oil, five thousand dollars: Provided, That no oil house erected hereunder shall exceed five hundred and fifty dollars ' . in cost. · LIGHT·HO`USE ESTABLISHMENT. mrjgmmme emit SUPPLIES or LIGHT-HOUSES : For supplying fog signals, light- S¤m>¤i¤¤- houses, and other lights with illuminating, cleaning, preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light-House Board, and other incidental _ expenses, three hundred and eighty-tive thousand dollars: Provided, §;g_§’Q:gy°,,,°m_"_ That lenses and lens glass for the use of the Light-House Establishment may be imported free of duty. _ Rmnmzs or Lreur-uoosms: For repairing, rebuilding, and improv- R¤i·¤i¤¤~ ing li ght-houses and buildings; for improvements to grounds connected therewith; for establishing and repairing pierhead and other beacon lights; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; and for incidental expenses relating to these various objects, four hundred and ninety thousand dollars. _ _ Snnxuis or xsnrnns or Lronr-nous12s: For salaries, fuel, ’¥°°"°" ""‘“°“· rations, rent of quarters where neces ary, and similar incidental expenses of not exceeding one thousand two hundred and fifty lighthouse and fog-signal keepers, and laborers attending other lights, six hundred and ninety thousand dollars. _ Exrmcsus or incur-vnssnrsz For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, "‘g""’°‘“°1* salaries, supplies, and temporary employment and incidental expenses of light-vessels, two hundred and eighty-tive thousand dollars. _ EXPENSES orinuoxseis: For expenses of establishing, replacing, B“°Y“g°· and maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, spindles, and day beacons, and.iIor incidental expenses relating thereto, four hundred and fifteen thousand dollars.