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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/867

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TREATIES AND CONVENTION S. Convention between the United States of America and the United States °°*°°¢¤·*=*~·> of Mexico extending for one year from December 24, 1895, the duration of the convention of March 1, 1889. Signed at Washington October 1, 1895; ratification advised by the Senate December 17, 1895; ratified by the President December 20, 1895; ratijied by the President of Mexico November 5, 1895; ratifications exchanged at Washington December 21, 1895; proclaimed December 21, 1895. BY THE PBESH)ENT or THE Umrnn STATES on AMERICA. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas, a Convention between the United States of America and $¤i·g,bl¤· the United States of Mexico extending for a period of one year from 1¤°$;i,5?é51?12` December 24, 1895, the duration of the Convention between the two high Contracting Parties of March 1, 1889 concerning the water boundary between the two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at the city of Washington on the iirst day of October 1895, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages is word for word as follows: Whereas the United States of Deseando los Estados Unidos de ctumcmig partie; America and the United States of América y los Estados Unidos Me- Mexico desire to comply fully with xicanos dar pleno cumplimiento a the provisions of the Convention las estipulaciones de la Conveucion concluded and signed at Washing- concluida yiirmada en Washington ton, March 1, 1889, to facilitate the el 1° de Marzo de 1889 para facilicarrying out of the principles con- tar la eiecucion de los principios tained in the Convention ot‘Novem- contenidos en el Tratado de 12 de ber 12, 1884, between the two High N oviembre de 1884, iirmado entre Contracting Parties, and to avoid las dos Altas Partes contratantes, the ditiiculties occasioned by rea- y evitar las diticultades ocasionason of the changes which take place das con motivo de los cambios que in the beds of the Rio Grande and tienen lugar en el canoe de los rios Colorado River in that portion Bravo del Norte y Colorado en thereof where they serve as a aquellas de sus partes que sirven boundary line between the two de limite a las dos Republicas; Republics; And whereas the time tixed by Y debiendo expirar el 24 de Di- Article IX of the Convention of ciembre de 1895 el plazo lijado por March 1, 1889, will expire Decem- el articulo IX de la Convencion de ber 24, 1895; 1° de Marzo 1889; And whereas the two High Con- Y considerando conveniente las tractin g Parties deem it expedient dos Altas Partes Contratantos proto agree upon an extension of the rogar el plazo estipulado en el Ar- 841