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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/868

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842 CONVENTION-MEXICO. Ocromsn 1, 1895. tim; stipulated inArticle IX afore- ticulo IX de digha Cosnveiicign, a sai to the end that the Interna- iin de que a omisi n n ruational Boundary Commission may cional de Limites pueda c0ncluir el conclude the examination and de- examen y decision de los casos que cision of the cases submitted to it, se le han sometido, han nombrado they have appointed for this pur- con ese objeto sus respectivos pose their respective plenipoten- Plenipotenciarios, a saber: tiaries to wit: P1¤¤¤1¤¤¢•¤¤¤¤¤¤» ’1‘he,President of the United ElPresidente de losEstadosUni- States of America, Richard Olney, dos de América a Richard Olney, Secretary of State of the United Secretaxgo ds Estado de los Estatates of America- and dos Uni os e América- y The President df the United E1 PresidentedelosEstadosUni- States of Mexico, Matias Romero, dos Mexicanos a Matias Romero, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotentiary of the United Plenipotenciario de los Estados States of Melxioo at Washingmn,d Unidos Mexiganos en Vgashington, ho, after aving communicate Quienes, espues e haberse to each other their respective full comunicado sus respectivos plepowers, found in good and true nos poderes, encontrandolos en form, have agreed upon and con- buena y debida forma, y puestos eluded the following article: de acuerdo entre si, han convenido en el articulo siguiente: Anricma. Ancrfouro Umco. naman of nm The duration of the Convention La duracion de la Convencion de

°°"‘,g',{f;,*‘j,",,, of March 1, 1889, between the 1·> de Marzo de 1889, iirmada entre

·¤·• yur- United States of America and the los Estados Unidos de América y

  • °°"· ’· “"‘ United States ofigxieo, los Estad¢:lI£nidosMexicanos(a que,

' eo eproonso conforms esti ulaciones esu IXthereotQ waste continue in force Articnlo IX, debgria permanecer for a period of five years from the vigente por el plazo de cinco anos date of the exchange of its ratiiica- contados desde la fecha del cange tions, and which will terminate De- de sus ratiiicaciones y que termicember24, 1895,isherebyextended nara el 24 Diciembre de 1895, se for the period of one year from that proroga por la pre ente por el pedate. riodomde un ano contado desde esta tima fecha. izmaauoa. This Convention shall be ratified Esta Convencion sera ratiiicada by the High Contracting Parties por las dos Altas Partes Contrain conformity with their respective tantes de acuerdo con sus respec- Constitutions, and its ratilications tivas Coustituciones, y las rati1icashaH be exchan at Washington ciones se can gearan en Wasmn gton as soon as possi e. tan ronto como sea osi le. ssgumm. In faith whereof, we, the under- E1}: fe de lo cna], 1¥os,los infrasigned, in virtue of our respective scritos, en virtud de nuestros resfull powers, have signed this con- pectivos plenos poderes, hemos vention, in duplicate, in the Eng- iirmado esta Convencion por duplilish and Spanish languages, and cado, en las lenguas Inglesa é Esgave tlélereunto aiiixed our respec- paiiola, y hemos puesto nuestros ve se s. respectivos sellos. .Done at the City of Washing- Hechoenla Ciudad deWashington, this first day of October, in ton, el dia primero de Octnbre del the year of our Lord one thousand ano de Nuestro Senor mil echoeight hnndred and ninety-five. cientos noventa y cinco. Rrcrunn OLNEY sum,. M. Romano sian,.} nxcmge or mm- And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratiiied on both “"'“°"" parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington, on the twentyiirst day of December, one thousand eight lmndrod and ninety-five;