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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 29.djvu/897

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PROCLAMATION S. Nos. 7, 8. 873 above named, as well a all other countries from which hides are imported into the United States, are concerned, they are so tar free from contagious orinfectious diseases of domestic animals that hides of neat cattle can be imported from all parts of the world, under proper regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, without danger to thedomestic animals of the United States. ow, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, I'“§°"““°" °‘ “°** do hereby suspend the prohibition of the importation of neat cattle §':gl<1¤¤f.mI1l·iIi;`;“<II irom the countries of Norway, Sweden, Holland, Great Britain, Ireland, E,,"§'i;;,E,,'},Y,T}i{';],,{,§°` the Channel Islands, and the countries of ·North, Central and South NWW °°¤¤r·i· mt America, including Mexico, and of the hides of neat cattle from all ;im°a.Am°"°° P"` parts of the world, but all importations of neat cattle shall be made I P'§;*°’*°"**°•• under the sanitary regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Agri- m culture and all importations of hides shall be made under proper regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. Done at the City of Washington this Eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and of the Inde- [SEAL.] pendence of the United States of America the one hundred and twentieth. Gnovmz Crnvnrmn By the President: Brcrmnn OLNEY Secretary of Stem:. [No. 8.] BY rmt Prmsrnrznrr or THE UNITED Sraems or AMERICA. N··v¤¤¥~¤¤.1¤¤- A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, pursuant to section tive, of the act of Congress approved rmmm. February 8, 1887, (24 Stats., 388), entitled ‘·An act to provide for the NM P¤r¤¤ Rewallotment of lands in severalty to the Indians on the various reserva- va\9¢?l?h£i;`;é9. tions, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, andibr other purposes", certain articles of cession and agreement were made and concluded at the Nez Perce Agency, Idaho, on the iirst day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety- three, by and between the United States of America and the Nez l’crce Indians, whereby aid Indians, for the consideration therein mentioned, ceded and conveyed to the United States all their claim, right, title and {·,';{jj°;f*;,'l,· interest to all the unallotted lands set apart as a home for their use and` occupation by the second article of the treaty between said Indians and the United States, concluded June ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three (14 Stats., 647), and included in the following boundaries, to wit: “Commencing at the N. E. corner of Lake \Va—ha,aud running thence, northerly, to a point on the north. bank of the Clearwater river, three miles below the mouth of the Lapwai, thence down the north bank of the Clearwater to the mouth of the Hatwai creek; thence due north to a point seven miles distant; thence castwardly. to a point on the north fork of the Clearwater, seven miles distant from its mouth; thence to a point on ()ro Fino Creek, live miles above its mouth; thence to a point on the north fork of the south tork of the Clearwater, one mile above the bridge, on the road leading to Elk City, (so as to include all the Indian farms now within the forks;) thence in a straight line, westwardly to the place of begiuniug”, saving and excepting the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of each Congrcmsional township. which shall be reserved for commonschool purposes and be subject to the laws