874 1>s00LAMA·1*10Ns. No. s. of Idaho, and excepting the tracts described in articles one and two of the agreement, viz: · I€$'_‘§,'°*“3;£/'°']· “The said Nez Perce Indians hereby code, sell, relinquish, and convey to the United p'States all their claim, right, title, and interest in and to all the nnallotted lands within the limits of said reservation, saving and excepting the following described tracts of lands, which are hereby retained by the said Indians, viz: In township thirty-fonr, range four west: Northeast quarter, north half and southeast of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter, north half and east half of southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of southeast quarter, sec tion thirteen, four hundred and iorty acres. In township thirty-four, range three west: Sections ten, fifteen, thirty-six, one thousand nine hundred and twenty acres. In township thirty-three, range three west; Section one; northwest quarter of northeast quarter, north half of northwest quarter section twelve, seven hundred and sixty acres. In township thirty-five, range two west: South half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, north half and southeast quarter of southwest quarter, southeast quarter section three; east halt] east half of northwest quarter, southwest quarter section ten, section eleven; north half, north half of outh hali section twenty-one; east half of northeast quarter, section twenty; sections twenty-two, twenty seven, thirty- five, four thousand two hundred acres. In township thirty-four, range two west: North halt} southwest narter, north half and southwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter of southeast quarter, section thirteen; section fourteen; north half section twenty-three, west half of east half and west half of northeast quarter, northwest quarter, north half of southwest quarter, west half of east half and northwest quarter and east half of southwest quarter of southeast quarter, section twenty-four; section twenty-nine, two thousand seven hundred acres. In township thirty- three, range two west: West half and : ontheast quarter section six; section sixteen, twenty-two, twenty-seven; north half and north half of south half section thirty-four, two thousand eight hundred and eighty acres. In township thirty-four, range one west: West half section two; sections three, four; north half and southwest quarter section eight; north half section nine; north half and north half of southwest quarter section eighteen; northwest quarter section agzem, two thousand nine hundred an;! sixtyiscres. t I wnahtpthuj -•sven,ran one eas : Sect on twenty; section twen -one, ess south half o south half of souihwest quarter of southeast quarter (ten shares), one thousand two hundred and seventy acres. In township thirty-six, range one east: South half of sections three, four; sections eleven, twelve, one thousand nine hundred and twenty acres. In township thirty-six, range two east: Sections sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, twenty; all of section twenty-tive west of boundary line of reservation; sections twenty-six. twenty-seven, four thousand two hundred and forty acres. In township thirty-five, range two east; North half of sections sixteen, seventeen, section twenty-seven; north half of section thirty-four, one thousand six hundred acres. In township thirty-four, range two east: East half and east half of west half of southeast quarter section twenty·ibur, one hundred acres. ln township thirty-four, range three east : South half of sections nineteen, twenty ; north half; north half of sont half; southwest quarter and north half of southeast quarter of southwest quarter; north half of south half of southeast quarter section twenty-three; north lmlf; north half and north half of southwest quarter and southeast quarter of southwest quarter; southeast quarter section twenty-four; north half and southeast quarter of northeast quarter; north half of northwest quarter section twenty-tive; south half of northeast quarter of northeast quarter section twenty-six; section twenty-nine; northeast quarter of northeast quarter and south half section thirty; northwest quarter and north half of southwest quarter section thirty-one; northeast quarter; north half and southeast quarter of northwest quarter section thirty-two; northwest quarter; north half of southwest quarter, section thirty-three, three thousand seven hundred acres. In township thirty-three, range four east: South half of southeast narter section eighteen; northeast quarter and fraction northeast of river in eastqhalf of northwest quarter section nineteen; fraction west of boundary line of reservation, in section twentrtwo; west half and southeast quarter of section thirty-five, one thousand four hundred and forty acres. In township thirty-two, range four east: Fraction in west half of northeast quarter of southwest quarter: fraction in northwest quarter of southeast quarter section one; section two; south half of section six; west half and southeast quarter of northeast quarter of section nine, one thousand four hundred and ten acres. In township thirty-one, range four east: South half of northeast quarter; southeast quarter of northwest quarter; northeast quarter of southwest quarter ; southeast quarter section seventeen; northwest quarter section twenty-one, tour hundred. and eighty acres. Total, thirtyttwo thousand and twenty acres. Anrrcnn II. It is also stipulated and agreed that the place known as "the boom " on the Clearwater River, near the mou of Lapwai Creek, shall be excepted from this session
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