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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 3.djvu/727

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Collecting materials, &c.For collecting materials for a fort on the right bank of the Mississippi, opposite Fort St. Philip, thirty thousand dollars.

Repairs of fortifications, &c.For contingencies and repairs of fortifications, twenty thousand dollars.

National armories.For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

For current expenses of the ordnance service, viz:

Current expenses of ordnance service, army, &c.For the preservation of the arms and other public property in store, including the hire of workmen, and the purchase of pain, oil and other materials necessary for the purpose, eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

Army supplies.To meet ordinary requisitions for army supplies, viz:

For paint and oil for the preservation of the guns and carriages in the fortifications, and for artificers’ and intrenching tools, six thousand three hundred and forty dollars.

Miscellaneous expenses at arsenals.For the miscellaneous expenses at arsenals, forage for public horses, stationery, &c. two thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars.

Reparation of defective arms.For the reparation of defective arms, including the wages of armorers, the purchase of iron, steel, coals, tools, &c., eleven thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.

Repairs of arsenals.For repairs of arsenals, one thousand dollars.

Preservation of ammunition.For the preservation of ammunition, five thousand dollars.

Payment of outstanding claims, &c.For the payment of outstanding claims which accrued in one thousand eight hundred and nineteen and one thousand eight hundred and twenty, at Pittsburg, and not presented until eighteen hundred and twenty-one, and unpaid for want of an appropriation applicable to the object, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

Arrearages in the War Department.For arrearages in the War Department prior to the first of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, ninety thousand dollars.

Pay to Indian agents, &c.For pay allowed by law to Indian agents, twenty-two thousand three hundred dollars.

For sub-agents, eleven thousand three hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

Presents to Indians.For presents to Indians, allowed by the law of eighteen hundred and two, fifteen thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of the Indian department, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Deficit in the appropriation of 1821.For making good a deficit of the appropriation of the last year, in the same, seventy thousand dollars.

Quartermaster general’s department.For payment of a deficit in the appropriation for the quartermaster general’s department, for eighteen hundred and twenty-one, seventy thousand dollars.

Barracks at Baton Rouge.For completing the barracks at Baton Rouge, twelve thousand dollars.

Barracks at Carlisle.For constructing new roofs for the barracks at Carlisle, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses of militia courts martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which lieutenant colonel Thomas Moore and David Fore were successively presidents, eight hundred and forty dollars and eighty-four cents.

Court martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which Thomas C. Miller was president, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-eight cents.

Court martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which colonel James Wood was president, seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty-four cents.

Balances of expenses of militia court martial in New York.For the payment of the balance of the expenses of the militia court martial in the state of New York, of which the brigadier general Gerard