1234 FIFTY-FIFTH conennss. suse. III. cu. 427. 1899. exceeding regular commercial rates; inspection, and all other expenses connected therewith, including telegraphing, three thousand five hundred dollarsl · To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury gn aclcourrtfof the aipprcipriation“Lléelegrla,»h:ingda1éd\(%>i;]1;<;1l;e;;e€p;lIpdéag upp ies, or e sca year eng een un r — , v hundred and ninety-three dollars and twenty-three cents. —·¤r¤¤¤r¤rti¤s- Necessary expenses of transportation of such goods, provisions, and _ other articles for the various tribes, including} pay} and elxpeases of transportation agents and rent of warehouses, ti ty thousand dollars. . To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Transportation of Indian supplies," for the nscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and forty-one dollars and five cents. comugsncm. Contingencies of the Indian service, including traveling and incidental . expenses of Indian agents, and of their offices, and of the Commissioner S1>¤¤i¤1 ¤z¤¤*¤- of Indian Affairs; also traveling and incidental expenses of five special agents, at three dollars per day when actually employed in the iield, exclusive of transportation and sleeping—car fare, in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law; for pay of employees not otherwise provided for, and for pay of the five special agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each, two thousand dollars. SM1 I_¤¢¤·¤¤· To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury Yankton tube. . . . . . on account of the appropriation “Support ot Sioux, Yankton tr1be,"for thegtgscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, twenty-eight dollars an ve cents. ggvrggtggms of For support and civilization of Digger Indians of California, and for Calignlnia. _ locating them on lands purchased for them by the Government, for the D°'**° L°‘*° S*°“*· fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine and prior years five hun- 1T°m1D°k°t°` drizrd dollars. 7 '1‘¤r¤¤ M<>¤¤¤¥i¤ or the relief of the Devils Lake Sioux of North Dakota, u on the Bud °f Cm”°W°° Dehvils Lake llntdian Reservation, ten thousand dollars. P or the re ie of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chi was in North Dakota, for subsistence and other necessaries, and {gi? the, expenses incurred by them and their delegates to Washington, District of Columbia, regarding their claim for unceded lands, as the Secretary of the Interior may deem proper, fifteen thousand dollars. J- A- Gi1611=¤¤- hFor paymlent of J. lGiltillan amount expended by him in the purc asc an s ipment o t ree hundred and twenty-two bushels of seed potatoes for planting in May, eighteen hundred aiid ninety-five, for the Leech Lake, Cass Lake, and Winnibigoshish bands of Chippewa Indians, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty-one cents. v,3f·G°°’¤° I- 1-*** For additional amount for compensation of Doctor George I. Leavitt, physician for the Indians on the Walker River Reservation in Nevada, one hundred and twenty dollars. pj,‘;}’P°" °" K*°"* To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation “Support of Kickapoos/’ for the fiscal kdm mom year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, forty dollars. Hmm! Imgmo The unexpended balance of the appropriation for the support and Lawmnm Kam · education of nve hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school, Haskell Instgute, Lzawreplce, tlfansas, for the iigcal year eighteen hundred and nme -e1g , is ere y reappropriate and made available for the Fmdmu S mk, fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine.
- ‘ d For ggppprgapdt edmiagtion of pwo liuneged Indian pupils at Flaureau, u a o a,a erateo one un red and sixty-seven dollars
each per annum, being a deficienc for nscal ear eighteen and ninet - eight, two hundred and forty-threg dollars argl sixtygtwo cents. y To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the appropriation "Indian School, Flandreau, South Dakota/’ for the fiscal year of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, live dollars and forty-eight cents. ggigggtmz- The accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized and directed _,,,,,_ ,,_ 5-,., pay to Otis Staples the sum of one hundred and eighteen dollars and I eighty-nine cents, appropriated in the deficiency appropriation Act