1422 FIFTYFIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. CHS. 182, 190, 192, 193. 1898. and sixty-four, and numbered forty-three thousand eight hundred and fiftyone, during the entire term of said letters patent, as appears in the findings of law and of fact made by the United States circuit court for the district of Connecticut in the case of Forehand and others versus Porter, reported in volume fifteen of the Federal Reporter, at page two hundred and fifty-six, and as further appears in the· Bindings of fact made by the Court of Claims, after full testimony and full hearing in Congressional case numbered one, entitled Forehand and others ‘ versus The United States, heard on reference of the matter to said Court of Claims by the Committee on Claims of the Senate under and Vol- ?2·1>·485· pursuant to the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and eightythree, , commonly known as the Bowman Act, said nndings of fact having been certified to the Committee on Claims of the Senate by said court on the twenty-sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and eightymine. Received by the President, April 7, 1898. ‘ [Notrnnr run Dn1>ARrMnNroF STATE.-The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, hasbecome a law without his approval.] April 25, 1898. CHAP. 190.-An Act For the relief of C. B. Bryan and Company. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C;u];_§3'=¤ ¢¤ C°·· States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That the Secretary of the NyTreasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to C. B. Bryan and Company, of Memphis, Tennessee, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three thousand six hundred and forty-three dollars and sixty cents, being for the value of a coal barge and sixteen thousand nine hundred and sixty- eight bushels of Pittsburg coal, as found by the Court of Claims. Approved, April 25, 1898. April 21. 180s. CHAP. 192.-An Act To increase the pension of General James W. McMillan. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United MG_G¤mr¤¤ ·T¤m•¤¤ W. States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the f»;,,,{,§}{';,,c,,,,,,,,d_ Interior be, and he herebyis, authorized and directed to place the name of General James W. McMillan, colonel of the Twenty-first Indiana Volunteer Infantry and brevet major- general United States Volunteers, upon the pension roll, and allow and pay him a pension of fifty dollars a month, in lien of the pension he is now receiving. Approved, April 27, 1898. ~`April 27,18e8·;__ CHAP. 193.—·-An Act For the relief of Johnson Hays. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ·{;;;g;y: H¤r¤- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ° ‘ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to add to the disabilities for which Johnson Hays, late private of Company G, of the Seventh Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry Volunteers, 11ow pensroned under certificate numbered one hundred and thirty-four thousand and thirty-five, ·*hernia-hydrocele and three broken 1’lbS on left side," and grant him a rate of pension proportioned to the degree of disability to perform manual labor. Approved, April 27, 1898.