1642 UNIVERSAL rosrnt coNvnNr1on.wAsn1N<;ro>w. JUNE 15, 1897. objets précieux, mais seulement articles, but only in case their indans le cas on leur insertion ou sertion or transmission is prohibexpedition serait défendue d’apres ited by the legislation of the counla legislation des pays intéresses. tries concerned. $°‘;'¤ l' °”°“°‘ 4-Les envois tombant sous les 4.-—-Articles coming under the y orwarded. _ _ , . . . . . , prohib1tions du paragraphe 3 qu1 prohib1tion of section .5 precedprécede et qui auraient été tort , ing which have been forwarded admis a Pexpedition, doivent etre erroneously, should be returned to renvoyes au timbre d’origine, sauf the office of origin, except in cases le cas ou l’Adininistration du pays where the Administration of the de destination serait autorisee par country of destination is authorsa legislation ou parses reglements ized by its legislation or by its interieurs at en disposer autrement. domestic regulations to dispose of them otherwise. 1¤¤v¤¤¤iv¤¤·¤t<=-·¤¤- Toutefois, les matieres explosi- Explosive, intlammable or dan- °°°y°d' bles, inilammables ou dangereuses gerous substances, however, are ne sont pas renvoyees an timbre not returned to the office of origin; d’origine; elles sont detruites sur they are destroyed on the spot place par les soins de l’Administra- under the directionof the Administion qui en constate la presence. tration which detects their presence. B°'°"°'1"*€h*'· 5-Est d’aillem· reserve le droit 5.—There is, moreover, reserved du Gouvernement de tout pays de to the Government of every counl’Union de ne pas efiectuer, sur son try of the Union the right to reterritoire, le transport ou la dis- fuse to convey over its territory, or tribution, tant des objets jouissant to deliver as well articles liable de la moderation de taxe a Pegard to the reduced rate in regard to desquels il n’a pas été satisfait aux- which the laws, ordinances or delois, ordonnances ou decxets qui crees which regulate theconditions reglent les conditions deleur publi- of their publication or circulation cation ou de leur circulation dans in that country have not been comce pays, que·des correspondances plied with, as correspondence of de toute nature qui portent osteu- every kind which bears ostensibly si blement des inscriptions, dessins, inscriptions, designs, etc. forbidden etc. interdits par les dispositions by the legal enactments or regulalégales ou reglementaires en vi- tions in force in the same country. gueur dans le meme pays. Art-17- Anrricrm 17. Anrrcm 17. _ E¤*~¤¤i•>¤ 0* tit- 1.-Les Offices de l’Uniou qui 1.—The Offices of the Union 2T5E-i£ °°°`U8"°° out des relations avec des pays which have relations with counsitués eu dehors de l’Union doi- tries situated outside the Union vent préter leur concours a tous must lend their aid to all the other les autres Offices de l’Union pour Uiilces of the Union for the transla transmission a découvert, par mission in open mail, through their leur intermediaire, de correspon- intermediary, of articles of corredances a destination ou provenant spondence destined for or originatdesdits pays. ing in said countries. '1`¤¤¤¤**¤¤¤*¤•¤·¤¢¤· 2.—A Pegard des frais de tran- 2.-As regards the transit sit des envois de toute nature et charges on articles of every kind de la responsabilité en matiere and responsibility in the matter of d’objets recommandé s, les corres- registered articles, the articles of pondances dont il s’agit sont trai- correspondence in question are _ _ _ tees: treated: ‘·‘""““ “‘° U'"°"· pour le transport dans le res- relative to their conveyance sort de l’Union, d’apres les sti- within the jurisdiction of the [itil8C10X1S de la presente Conven- Union, in accordance 'with the tion; stipulations of the present Con- _ _ vention; —‘"“*°“‘°**°U*¤°¤· pour le transport en dehors relative to their conveyance des limites_ de l’Union, d’apres outside the limits of the Union, les conditions notifiees par in accordance with the condi-