4 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1. 1897. blank books, circulars, paper, envelopes, postal cards, postage stamps, MW"- freight, and express charges, and necessary traveling expenses: Provided, That the monthly crop report issued on the tenth day of each Monthly mp re- month shall embrace a statement of the condition of the crops, by ’°"'· States, in the United States, with such explanations, comparisons, and information as may be useful for illustrating the above matter, and that it shall be submitted to and officially approved by the Secretary nxununig amend of Agriculture before being issued or published: Provided also, That °"°"““ """°"‘ ten thousand dollars of the amount hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem necessary, may be expended in continuing the investigations concerning the feasibility ot extending the demands of foreign markets for the agricultural products of the United States and to secure as far as may be a change in the methods of supplying tobacco and other farm products to foreign coun- - tries, one hundred and ten thousand dollars. DM¤i¤¤¤fB¤*¤¤:r- B0·rANIcAL INvns·rrG.u•IoNs AND EXPEBIMENTS, DIVISION OF Bo·rs1vY: Investigations relating to medicinal and other economic plants and seeds, the collection of plants, traveling expenses, and express charges; the purchase of paper and all other necessary supplies, materials, and apparatus, and necessary labor; subscriptions to and purchase of botanical publications for use in the division, and the preparation, illustration, and publication of reports, lifteen thousand dollars. m1{M¤1¤¤ ·f ***1**** Esrorroroeresn rnvnsrrenrrons, Drvrsron or Enromonocxa °"' Promotion of economic entomology; investigating the history and habits of insects injurious and beneiicial to agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture, including an investigation into the ravages of the gypsy moth; ascertaining the best means of destroying those found to be injurious; chemicals, insecticide apparatus, and other materials, supplies, and instruments required in conducting such experiments and investigations; freight and express charges and necessary traveling expenses; compensation of additional temporary assistants, investigators, and agents, and preparing, illustrating, and publishing the results of the work of the division, twenty thousand dollars. naman of Phy•i· - VEGETABLE PATHOLOGICAL INvEsTIGA’1‘I01vs, DIVISION on Visors- °'°¤>‘ ““" *’“"'°‘°”· mum Pnvsronoev Ann Pnrnonoex: Investigating the nature of diseases injurious to fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, vegetables, and other useful plants; experiments in the treatment of the same; chemicals, gas, and apparatus required in the field and laboratory; necessary traveling expenses; the preparation of reports and illustrations; the rent of a building not to exceed six hundred and sixty dollars per annum, and for other expenses connected with the practical work of the investigation, twenty thousand dollars; of which so much thereof as may be directed by the Secretary of Agriculture may be applied to the investigation of peach yellows, California grape disease, root rot, and blight of cotton, pear blight, and the diseases of citrus fruits, and remedies therefor. i Uigision of Dinius- B10L0GICAI. SURVEY, DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY: For bio- °" · “"°"‘ logical investigations, including the geographic distribution and migrations of animals, birds, and plants, and for the promotion of economic ornirhology and mammalogy, an investigation of the food habits of North American birds and mammals in relation to agriculture, horticulture, and forestry; for preparation and publication of reports thereon, and for illustrations, neld work, and traveling, and other expenses in tihe practical work of the division, seventeen thousand five hundred ollars. na-arm. of rumor- Poxonocrclu. HIVESTIGATIONS, DIVISION OF POMOLOGY: Investi- °¤F· gating, collecting, and disseminating information relating to the fruit industry; the collection and distribution of seeds, shrubs, trees, and slpggimens; traveling and other necessary expenses, eight thousand o ars.
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