FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CII. 1. 1897. 5 LABORATORY, DEPARTMEN'F OF AGRICULTURE, DIVISION OF Dix-isioii of chemis- CHEMISTRY: Chemical apparatus, chemicals, laboratory fixtures, and “Y· supplies, repairs to engine, and apparatus; gas and electric current, purchase of samples and necessary expenses in conducting special investigations, including necessary expenses, labor, and expert work in such investigations, four thousand dollars; for rent of laboratory building, nine hundred dollars; in all, four thousand nine hundred dollars. To investigate the adulteration of foods, drugs, and liquors, when r¤»as, mugs, and deemed by the Secretary of Agriculture advisable; .employing such }f{§‘Q,'{‘f’ “d““°’°t‘°“ assistants, clerks, and other persons as the Secretary of Agriculture may consider necessary for the purpose named; preparing, illustrating, and publishing reports and exhibiting the results of such investigations, and to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to continue an investigation relative to the various typical soils of the United States to S¤i1¤¤=·r¤¤t¤ri¤ti¤¤- determine their chemical characteristics, and especially the nature of the nitrifyin g organisms contained therein; the preparation of reports thereon; apparatus and materials required in conducting such investigations; employment of the necessary investigators; freight and express charges, and necessary traveling expenses, seven thousand five hundred dollars; in all, for division of chemistry, twelve thousand four hundred dollars. Fonnsrnv INvEsTIGATIoNs, DIvIsIoN on FORESTRY: To enable Divi¤i·>¤<>¤‘<>r·¤m· the Secretary of Agriculture to experiment and continue an investigation and report on the subject of forestry and timbers, for traveling and other necessary expenses in the investigation, and for the colleetion and distribution of valuable economic forest-tree seeds and plants, twenty thousand dollars. EXPERIMENTAL GARDENS AND GROUNDS, DEPARTMENT OF AGRI- F¤I><¤;r¤¤¤¤¤1d zercULTnRE, DIVISION or GARDENS AND GROUNDS: Cultivation and ‘1°’“’ “" g"°“" “‘ care of experimental gardens and grounds, including the keep of the lawns, trees, roadways, and walks; management and maintenance of the conservatories, greenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses; employment of foremen, gardeners, laborers, carpenters, painters, plumbers, and other mechanics; machinery, tools, wagons, carts, horses, harness, plows, lawn mowers, sprinklers, hose, watering cans, tubs, pots, and other implements required in cultivation; lumber, hardware, glass, paints, tin, stone, gravel, and other material required for repairs; fertilizers, insecticide apparatus, and chemicals; blacksmithing, horseshoeing, and repairs to implements and machinery; seeds, plants, and bulbs for propagating purposes; labels, potting, and packing materials, feed for horses, freight and express charges, and for repairing roadways and walks, twenty- five thousand dollars. Soir. 1NvnsT1GATIoNs, ])IVISION on Sous: Investigation of the DM¤i°¤°*S°“S· relation of soils to climate and organic lite; for the investigation of the texture and com position of soils in the field and laboratory; the location of the stations and the rent of a building, not to exceed six hundred and sixty dollars per annum, for office and laboratory purposes; the employment of local and special agents, and other labor required in conducting experiments; the preparation of drawings and illustrations; for materials, tools, instruments, apparatus, gas, and supplies, and for travelling expenses, freight and express charges, ten thousand dollars. GRASS AND FORAGE PLANT 1NvEsT1GAcr1oNs, Drvrsrox or AGROS- mQ;f‘i°“ °‘ ·*`*·‘¥'"*" TOLOGY: Field Hlld laboratory investigations relating to the natural history, geographical distribution, and uses of the various grasses and forage plants, and their adaptability to special soils and climates; establishment and maintenance of experimental grass stations; employment of local and special agents and assistants; collection of seeds, roots, and specimens for experimental cultivation and distribution; materials, tools, apparatus, supplies, and labor required in conducting experi-
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