Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/469

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430 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 376, 37 7. 1898. be exclusively devoted to the use and benefit of the Indians having interests in the lands so ceded. PSY of G¤r¤mi¤¤i<>¤- Sec. 3. That said commissioners shall receive six dollars per day °“" each, and their actual and necessary traveling and incidental expenses —°l°*- while on duty, and to be allowed a clerk to be selected by them, whose compensation shall be fixed by said commissioners, subject to the Prwiw- approval of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the cost of .,,£fi"" f" °xP°"°°’ executing the provisions of this Act shall not exceed the sum of live thousand dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 4, 1898. June 4.1898. CHAP. 3'I7.-—A.n Act Grantin to the Washington Improvement and Development ti" ·‘*·—*_v—· Company a right of way through the Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of \Vashington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Washington Im- States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby granted ¥Zi.;¤li°€$1:c:'§`i¤il$ to the Washington Improvement and Development Company, a corpor§=1¤q¤f way t¤r¤¤z1¤ ration organized andexisting under the laws of the State of Washing-

¢:iit°l,ii'·ill:i.° M ton, and to its assigns, a right of way for its railway, telegraph, and

telephone lines through the Colville Indian Reservation, in the State ·-location. of Washington, beginning at a point on the Columbia River, near the mouth of the Sans Poil River; running thence in a northerly direction to a point in township thirtyseven north, of range thirty-two east, Willamette meridian; thence northerly to a point near the mouth of Curlew Creek; thence northerly to the international boundary line -um¤¤i»e»,¤w. between British Columbia and the State of Washington; with the · right to construct, use, and maintain such branches, spurs, switches, and side tracks as said company may deem necessary for the operation of said railway, together with all the rights granted to railroads by the vous. p.is2. Act of Congre s entitled “An Act granting to railroads a right of way through the public lands of the United States," approved March third, -wi.nn. eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Such right of way shall be fifty feet wide on each side of the center line of said railroad, and said com- Marmuls M ¤¤¤- pany shall have the right to take from the lands adjacent to the line of "{§‘{Qf,§2,'f{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ said road material, stone, earth, and timber necessary for the construc- ¤*¤— tion of said railroad; also grounds adjacent to such right of way for —1i¤¤i=· station buildings and for necessary side tracks and switch tracks, not to exceed in amount two hundred feet in width and two thousand feet in length for each station, and to an extent not exceeding one station for each ten miles of road within the limits of said Colville Reservation. 1»,.mg».» tt rmnm. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to “"°"°*‘°· fix the amount of compensation to be paid to any Indian allottees whose lands may be taken by said company under this Act, and to provide the time and manner of payment thereotl Mm ¤¢‘ r~¤¤¤· Sec. 3. That said company shall cause maps showing the route of its located lines through said Colville Reservation to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Interior; and after the filing of said maps no claim for a subsequent settlement and improvement upon the right of ri-Im.,. way shown by said maps shall be valid as against said company: Pro- <¢rgj¤1»»r,_1_nL to m— rided, That when a map showing any portion of said railway company’s '““""‘ "“ ‘ ‘“” "‘”"°’ located line is tiled herein as provided for, said company shall commence grading said located line within six months thereafter, or such location H.;M»·-·.¤·»n or ¤·»·~¤- shall be void, and said location shall be approved by the Secretary of " ‘ the Interior in sections of twenty-five miles before the construction of any such section shall be begun. . sum,-·,m. Sec. 4. That said company is hereby authorized to enter upon said reservation for the purpose of surveying and locating its line of railroad. ommumtu. Sec. 5. That the right herein granted shall be forfeited by said com-