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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/52

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 13 Government offices, is located, not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; and to enable the Secretary to change and improve the buildings oimigs of trainings on said newly purchased grounds so as to accommodate the United fj’0*;‘f,‘;'j,‘Q,';}£g"***j,,f,‘{‘,§‘0‘;,' States pension agency and other Government offices, and to supply the ctc. ' same with vaults and other fixtures and appliances for the convenient, safe, and ready dispatch of public business, ten thousand dollars. For postoffice at Worcester, Massachusetts: To enable the stamp W<>r¤¤¤¤>¤ Mmroom to be transferred to what is now the money-order lobby, and a new lobby to be provided, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be immediately available. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to expend the seventy- §,¤l{ g·9¤k¤_gg¤v· five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, hereto- °' ’P` ` fore (in eighteen hundred and ninety-six) appropriated for the purchase of site for a court-house and post-office at Salt Lake City. ‘_ For post-office at Washington, District of Columbia: For completion }QQ,§§,‘§,§§f"‘·D‘ C' of building under present limit, four hundred and ten thousand dollars. For Treasury building at Washington, District of Columbia: For re- T¤$¤·¤ry- B_¤¤$¤· pairs to Treasury, Butler, and Winder buildings, eight thousand dollars. "ld ""M bmi g°' For special repairs to Treasury building, to be immediately available, R°P“*"· °°°· twelve thousand dollars. For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and preser- 2¤1>¤ir¤ ¤¤•1 1>r¤¤¤r- vation of custom-houses, court-houses, post-offices, marine hospitals, "` °°` quarantine stations, and other public buildings and the grounds thereof under the control of the Treasury Department, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; of which amount the sum of thirty thousand dollars to be used for the marine hospitals and quarantine stations: Provided, Smwmunm cw That of the sum hereby appropriated not exceeding ten thousand dol- upmu ' lars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, in the employment of superintendents and others at a rate of compensation not exceeding for any one person six dollars per day. ‘ mama uosrrrns. M’“"“° "°°P““‘“· For marine hospital at Baltimore, Maryland: For annex building for B***·*’°°'°· Mddisinfection and storage, two thousand dollars. For marine hospital at Cleveland, Ohio: For drainage and improve- 01¤v¤1¤¤¤· Obierinent of grounds, two thousand seven hundred and twenty-five ollars. For marine hospital at Cincinnati, Ohio: For addition to surgeon’s °i¤°*¤¤¤**· 0***** cottage, two thousand dollars. For marine hospital at Key YVest, Florida: For repairs to sea wall K°YW°'*·“'· and improvement of grounds, seven hundred dollars; storehouse and addition to steward’s quarters, one thousand dollars; in all, one thousand seven hundred dollars. For marine hospital at New Orleans, Louisiana: For wing dam and N" °'*°°“'· L'- piling to protect water supply, and for extension of sewer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; additional cisterns for water supply, three . hundred and fifty dollars; in all, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. For marine hospital at Wilmington, North Carolina: For new fence, W“¤‘”¤*°”· Notwo hundred dollars


For quarantine station, Delaware Breakwater, Delaware: For addi- wf’,§§“‘{;j? B"°k` tion to executive building, one thousand five hundred dollars. ’ For quarantine station, Brunswick, Georgia: For repairs to engine, B’“"“'*°k· 6** wharf, car tracks, and switch, and new boathouse, cars, and dolphins, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For quarantine station, Tortugas (Key West), Florida: For floating “?`_‘;{,‘}.'§,f° lx"` disinfecting plant, ten thousand dollars; sailing vessel tbr transporta- ' tion of mail and supplies, three thousand five hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars.