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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/53

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14 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. ¤£·¤*l¤ A¤*¤*·*¤ ¤*¤· For quarantine station, South Atlantic: For small hospital, two ' thousand five hundred dollars; boathouse, one thousand dollars; landing pier, mooring dolphins and piles, and ballast gangway, one thousand four hundred and twenty-tive dollars; quarters for crew, bath house, and shed, one thousand dollars; hoisting engine for ballast wharf, nine hundred dollars; sulphur furnace and appliances, one thousand dollars; additional for dredging cut, five hundred dollars; mooring buoys five hundred dollars; buoys for marking quarantine limits, six hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars. _ _ f H¤¤p;zb¤Hm¤=¤¤ HEATING APPARATUS Fo]: PUBLIC 1zU1L1>1NGs: For heating, hoist- "P? ° ° gi" ing, and ventilating apparatus, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings, including marine hospitals and quarantine stations, under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, one hundred thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding ten thousand dollars may be expended _ for personal services of mechanics employed from time to time for casual repairs only. 1::¤\¤· ·•f•- ¤¤ VAULTS, suvns, AND LOCKS ron runmc nuinnmosz For vaults, ' safes, and locks, and repairs to the same, for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, exclusive of personal services, except for work done by contract, thirty-five thousand dollars; but of this amount not exceeding three thousand dollars may be expended for personal services of mechanics employed from time to time for casual repairs only. rum. ea. PLANS ron rrmmc numnmcs: For books, photographic materials, and in duplicating plans required for all public buildings under control of the Treasury Department, three thousand ilve hundred dollars. `Light-lionseb. m LIGHT-HOUSES, BEACONS, AND FOG SIGNALS. com, and fog signals.

 Tender for the Second light-house district: For finishing the construction oi, equipping, and outiitting, complete for service, anew steam

tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the Second light-house district, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. Nw H-·*·¤· Cm New Haven Harbor Breakwater Light and Fog-Signal Station, Connecticut: For establishing a light and fog-signal station on the outer breakwater, entrance to New Haven Harbor, Connecticut, twenty-five thousand dollars; and the total cost of establishing said light and fogsignal station, complete, under a contract which is hereby authorized therefor, shall not exceed seventy-ilve thousand dollars. rn-e Island, N. Y., Fire Island Light·Vessel, New York: For iinishing the construction “’*‘°°*· oi; equipping, and outiittin g a steam ligl1t—ship, with steam fog signal, to be established on' Fire Island, New York, iorty thousand dollars. _smm¤ 1¤r··¤·1 dem. Staten Island Light-House Depot, New York: For continuing the con- °" Y struction of the sca wall, constructing oil house, rebuilding storehouse and wharves, and dredging the basin, at the general light-house depot at Toinpkinsville, Staten Island, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars. wm Igght. West Bank Light and Fog-Signal Station, New York: For establish- “"’·· “‘“"°"· · ‘ ing alight and fog-signal station on or near the west bank, New York Harbor, fifty thousand dollars. rI;;i·;¤;P;»0%tN·Y- · Orient Point Light and Fog Signal, New York: For erection of a ‘light-house with fog signal at the site of the beacon heretofore standing at Orient Point, or Oyster Pond Reef, on the west side of Plum Gut, at the entrance of Long Island Sound, New York, thirty thousand dollars. NQ{•¤g$’:;{_¤;,_ Sh ¤¤*· overfalls Shoal Light-Vessel, New Jersey: For constructing, equip- ’ ping, and onthttmg, complete for service, a iirstclass steam lightvessel, with steam fog signal, eighty thousand dollars. Q kgs! Bw S¤¤¤¤¤~ Bull Bay Light Station, South Carolina: For the reestablishment of "their station on a new site, ten thousand dollars. _cap» San Bins Sn- or completing the removal of Cape San Blas Li ht Station Florid °‘°”' F"' to Blacks’ Island, four thousand five hundred dollgrs. ’ a,