FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 15 Tender for the Seventh and Eighth light-house districts: For finish- gjgdaffi dE_ mh ing the construction of, equipping, and outfifting, complete for service, aimiiis. m` ’g a new steam tender for buoyage, supply, and inspection in the Seventh and Eighth light-house districts, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. Chequamegon Point Light and Fog-Signal Station, Wisconsin: For S,f§j’,‘},“‘{$“{§°“ I’°*“” completing the work of moving and rebuilding the main Lapointe Light ' and establishing a harbor bell and light at or near Chequamegon Point, Lake Superior, Wisconsin, one thousand five hundred dollars. Light-vessel and two iloat lights at Ballards Reef, Detroit River: t Bgards Reef. Dc- For light-vessel and two Boat lights for marking the new channel at ml “"”‘V°”°1‘°t°‘ Ballards Reef above Limekiln Crossing on the lower Detroit River, one thousand five hundred dollars. Grand Marais Harbor of Refuge Light Station, Lake Superior, Mich- G*=¤dM¤*¤i¤~Mi¤¤- igan: That the unexpended balance of the fifteen thousand dollars appropriated by the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and Vol- 28. p. 916. ninety-five, for a “light and bell" at this place, or so much of it not _ exceeding two thousand dollars as may be necessary, be made available for constructing an additional light on shore to serve as a range and Auaiesnmiisgin. completing the station. San Francisco Harbor Light-Vessel, California: For finishing the ¤¤¤lFr¤¤wi¤¤<>. Gul-. construction of, equipping, and outiitting, complete for service, a steam ""° ' light-ship, with steam fog signal, to be established in San Francisco Harbor, California, forty thousand dollars. Oil houses for light stations: For establishing isolated oil houses for Oil ¤?¤¤¤·· the storage of mineral oil, ilve thousand dollars: Provided, That no oil P"""‘°‘ house erected hereunder shall exceed five hundred and fifty dollars in C°°*· cost. Lrenr-nousn nsrannrsnmniwr. us{:g],}l*f¤¤*··> E¤*·l* Surrnms or Lreur-nousns: For supplying log sign als, light-houses, S¤vr¤i¤¤· and other lights with illuminating, cleaning, preservative, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption; for books, boats, and furniture for stations, and not exceeding three hundred dollars ior the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light-House Board, and other incidental expenses, four hundred thousand dollars. Rmums or mcur-nonsns: For repairing, rebuilding, and improv- R°P·**‘•· ing light-houses and buildings; for improvements to grounds connected therewith; for establishing and repairing pier head and other beacon lights; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; and for incidental expenses relating to these various objects, ilve hundred and seventy-nve thousand dollars. SALARIES OF KEEPERS OF LIGHT-HOUSES: For salaries, fuel,rations, K¤<·r¤¤' ·¤¤¤‘i¤¤· rent of quarters where necessary, and similar incidental expenses of not exceeding one thousand two hundred .and fifty light-house and fogsignal keepers, and laborers attending other lights, seven hundred and ten thousand dollars. . EXPENSES OF LIGHT-VESSELS: For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, I·ig*·*·*¤·¤¤'¤· salaries, supplies, and temporary employment and incidental expenses of light-vessels, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Exrnusns or nuorncn: For expensesofestablishing, replacing, and nw-tgt. maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, spindles, and day beacons, and for incidental expenses relating thereto, four hundred and seventy-five _ thousand dollars: Provided, That of this amount the sum of twenty- QQ'},';;",;,, the Gm, ive thousand dollars shall be used for the establishment of gas buoys Lakes, m. on the Great Lakes and connecting waters. To complete establishment of gas buoys at or near the followingnamed places in the Saint Lawrence River: One at Charity Shoals, one si. Lawrence River at Featherbed Shoals, one at Rock Island Point, one near the Sisters g" b"""' Island Light, one at Sunken Rock, one at Bay State Shoals, one at the Lower Narrows, and one at entrance upper harbor, Ogdensburg, seven thousand six hundred dollars, to be immediately available.
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