FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 2. 1897. 17 employment; compensation of volunteers at life-saving and lifeboat stations, for actual and deserving service rendered upon any occasion of disaster, or in any effort to save persons from drowning, at such rate, not to exceed ten dollars for each volunteer, as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine; pay of volunteer crews for drill and exercise; fuel for stations and houses of refuge; repairs and outfits for same; rebuilding and improvement of same; supplies and provisions tor houses of refuge, and for shipwrecked persons succored at stations; traveling expenses of officers under orders from the Treasury Department; commutation of quarters for officers of the Revenue·Cutter Commutation or Service detailed for duty in the Life-Saving Service; for carrying out “““"°"‘ the provisions of sections seven and eight of the Act approved May V<>1.22.r-57- fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two; for draft animals and their maintenance; and contingent expenses, including freight, storage, repairs to apparatus, labor, medals, stationery, newspapers for statistical purposes, advertising and miscellaneous expenses that can not be included under any other head of lifesaving stations on the coasts of the United State , one million two hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-five dollars. For establishing new life-saving stations and lifeboat stations on the NW ¤*¤*i<>¤¤· sea and lake coasts of the United States, authorized by law, forty thousand dollars. REVENUE-cUrr1*E1z SERVICE. R¤~*¤¤¤¤·C¤**¤* Service. For expenses of the Revenue-Gutter Service: For pay of captains, S•1¤ri¤¤ ¤¤•1 ¤¤- and one engineer in chief with relative rank and pay of captain,lieu- p°“'°" ‘ tenants, engineers, cadets, and pilots employed, and for rations for the same; for pay of petty officers, buglers, seamen, oilers, liremen, coal passers, stewards, cooks, and boys, and for rations for the same; for tue] for vessels, and repairs and outfits for the same; ship chaudlery and engineers’ stores for the same; traveling expenses of officers traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department; commutation of quarters; for protection of the seal fisheries in Bering Sea and the other waters of Alaska, and the interest of the Government on the seal islands and the ea~otter hunting grounds, and the enforcement of the provisions of law in Alaska; for enforcing the provisions of the *°°"°”¤°· Acts relating to the anchorage of vessels in the ports of New York and Chicago, approved May sixteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, V¤l· 2% P- 15*- and February sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three; contingent V<>1·27· a431- expenses, including wharfnge, towage, dockage, freight, advertising, , surveys, labor, and miscellaneous expenses which can not be included under special heads, one million one hundred thousand dollars: Pro- {y";;- cm,. mg, vided, That any chief engineer of the Revenue»Outter Service who has neerwhohasheldoffice held the office of engineer in chief shall hereafter receive the pay and Q{c_°"g‘“°°' "‘ °”‘“· emoluments of a captain of said service, and shall be eligible for appointment to the office of captain of engineers in said service, with the pay and emoluments of such captain. For completing construction of two revenue steamers of the first class, §’;;'§§f§g,,,, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, for service ou the Great Lakes, two hundred thousand dollars. For the purchase of ten eophones, at not exceeding five hundred E°P"°“°°· dollars each, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. f For constructing and equipping a steam revenue cutter for service ,,,}*QY,§"“,§’,, °'f{{f{,,,`f§ on the Atlantic coast of the United States, with headquarters at the ·=·>¤·¤-
of N ew York, the sum of one hundred and seventy-five thousand
0 ars. Enonavme Ann rmnrme. p,€,{',§g_•"‘“¤ ‘“" For labor and expenses of engraving and printing: For salaries of S‘“‘"°* all necessary clerks and employees, other than plate printers and plate ver. xxx-2