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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/57

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18 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. ·Ch. 2. 1897. printers’ assistants, four hundred and twenty thousand dollars, to be expended under the directions of the Secretary of the Treasury: §*¤¤*¤-I d Provided, That no portion of this sum shall be expended_for_pr1nting ,.,.S:.°;°e°$¤.1"°°r °` United States notes or Treasury notes of larger denomination than those that may be canceled or retired. W•¤°°· For wages of plate printers, at piece rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not to exceed the rates usually paid for such work, including the wages of printers’ assistants, at one dollar and twenty- five cents a day each, when employed, five hundred and twenty-six thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary ‘ mk msu dg_ of the Treasury: Provided, That no portion of this sum shall be mmiumen. expended for printing United States notes or Treasury notes of larger denomination than those that may be canceled or retired. Mnwrms- For engravers’ and printers’ materials, and other materials, except _ distinctive paper, and for miscellaneous expenses, one hundred and Q"",}',},',};,,,,,,, ,,0, sixty-seven thousand one hundred dollars: Provided, That hereafter r·>¤g¤s•¤¢ •¤1>•¤·¤¤· the appropriations made for all expenditures of the Bureau of Engrav-

  • `""“"°°°’°"'"°"°' ing and Printing shall be used in the manner in which appropriations

for said Bureau have heretofore been used, and no part of said appropriations shall be held to be contingent expenses of the Treasury r. s...¤¤•.m, am, Department, nor be subject to the provisions of sections two hundred PP—*°·7”· and forty and thirty- six hundred and eighty-three of the Revised Statmmm m mnmi utes: And provided further, That all the busines of the Bureau of eu *“*¤*¤•••· °*°· Engraving and Printing shall be under the immediate control of the · director of said Bureau, subject to the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the director of the said Bureau shall report to and beresponsible directly to the Secretary of the Treasury. Bmnvmudnnv For rent of office now occupied by the agent of the Post-Office “*‘°"'· Departmenttosupervise the distribution of tamps of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, at a rental of fifty dollars per month, six hundred dollars. . S and cement ooasr up Gmonmrrc sunvmr. 0fE,{m¤;•;: ·>é:{{,*g; For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the survey of the cme, and,A1a,ska Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States and the coast °°°¤*°· of the Territory of Alaska, including the survey of rivers to the head of tide water or ship navigation; deep-sea soundings, temperature and current observations along the coast and throughout the Gulf Stream and Japan Stream flowing off the said coasts; tidal observations; the necessary resurveys; the preparation of the Coast Pilot; continuing researches and other work relating to terrestrial magnetism and the magnetic maps of the United States and adjacent waters, and the table of magnetic declination, dip, and intensity usually accompanying them; and including compensation not otherwise appropriated for of persons employed in the field work, in conformity with the regulations or the government of the Coast and Geodetic Survey adopted by the Secretary of the Treasury; for special examinations that may be required by the Light-House Board or other proper authority, and including traveling expenses of officers and men of the Navy on duty; for commutation to officers of the field force while on field duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents per day each; outfit, equipment, and care of vessels used in the Survey, and also the repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels; to be expended in accordance with the regulations relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey from time to time pre- PWM scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and under the following Advance of money. heads: Provided, That no advance of money to chiefs of held parties under this appropriation shall be made unless to a commissioned officer . or to a civilian officer who shall give bond in such sum as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct: ram expenses- Fon 1*1111.1) EXPENSES! For survey of unfinished portions of the Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida, including Portsmouth Harbor and Piscataqua River; Hudson River to Troy; and for the necessary