FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SESs. Il. Ch. 540. 1898. 53] For the purchase or condemnation of necessary land, and preparing Sewage pumping plans for the_ construction of a sewage pumping station under the m°`°°‘ improved project for sewage disposal in the District of Columbia, twentyfive thousand dollars. lfor purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction, .C¤¤<l<=>¤¤¤=¤¤i¤¤ of maintenance, and repairs of public sewers, one thousand dollars,`or so new °f ""°°°‘ much thereof as may be necessary. For automatic ilushing tanks, one thousand dollars. t Alptomatic rusting 3.I.I S. STREETS. S¤·»¤r¤· RDPAIRS STREETS, AVTENUES, AND ALLEYS: For current work of R¤¤¤ir¤· repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing and repairs to concrete pavements with the same or other not inferior material, one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. And this appropriation shall Simi ”“"¥¤- be available for repairing the pavements of street railways when neces- v°1`20’p` m' sary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad company as provided by section live of “An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventyeight, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the iiscal year in which they are collected. For replacing and repairing sidewalks and curbs around public res- SmPW¤lk¤·¤*¤- ervations and municipal buildings, five thousand dollars,. . REPAIRS COUNTY mms: For current work of repairs of coimty roads and suburban streets, MQ thousand dollars. · CONSTRUCTION OF COUNTPYQ Regus; For construction of county roads c0ff;’t’;,1f,;_;'s°‘*°¤ °' and suburban streets, as follows: ` For paving Harrison street, Anaeqstiajrom Navy-Yard Bridge east- Afajgjgign ¤"°°°· ward, ten thousand dollars; ` For paving North Capitol street, from Florida avenue to R street, m°fK.j;"h C“P**°‘ seven thousand dollars;. _ ` For establishing the grade and improving Michigan avenue to a Mi<=¤i¤¤¤ ¤V°¤¤¤· width of one hundred feet from the southerly boundary of the Soldiers’ Home grounds, five thousand dollars; For paving Sixteenth street extended, from the south side of Florida “§f,{,{,°°“‘” °"°°* °" avenue to the north side of Morris street, fifteen thousand dollars; ` For the improvement of Connecticut avenue, west of Bock Creek, ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤· ten thousand dollars; For paving Sixth street, from Florida avenue to Spruce street, Le ¤¤“*•°**°°· Droit Park, two thousand nve hundred dollars; For grading and regulating Illinois avenue, two thousand five hun- m*°°‘° *"°”“°· dred dollars;_ For grading and paving Kenyon street between Thuteenth and K¤¤r¤¤ ¤=¤>¤¤- Fourteenth streets, three thousand dollars. _ That in consideration of the dedication of the land necessary for the F§;”:QmQ;1j*‘°* °°'* opening of North Capitol street and First street through the land of the heirs of David Moore by the owners thereof, free of compensation ther "or, and waiving all claim to the award of twenty-one thousand _. and seventy-eight dollars heretofore confirmed by the District courts, _ the Commissioners of the Distric; of Columbia ani; hesglliyzldirecfted tg G¤d1¤S·*=*°-·°f· im rove said streets by grading the same e en wi ereo , an _ layling water mains, granite curb, granolithic sidewalk, and sewers, and 3 “¥{m‘},{,§,‘;$,§','$§§‘,_§ that no assessments for any of said work shall be levied upon any of gm. the said land of said heirs of David Moore; and any assessments heretofore levied for any such works on the line of First street shall be canceled; the grading of North Capitol street and other said improvements to be paid for out of the fund appropriated in this Act under items for assessment and worlg, seweiilsélapd laying new water mains and re airs of coun roa s, so aras s necessary- Ilaor paving Bteylmont avenue between Eighteenth street extended and B°*'”°“* “°'“‘°· Columbia road, one thousand dollars; _