FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 33 occupied, in whole or in part, by actual settlers and of lands granted to the States by the Act approved February twenty-second, eighteen hotggr-6% m hundred and eighty-nine, and the Acts approved July third and July ° pp" ’ tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and other surveys shall be confined to lands adapted to agriculture, and lines of reservations, except that the Commissioner of the General Land Office may allow, for the sur- _ vey and resurvey of lands heavily timbered, mountainous, or covered hef:fl*¤tim{):°r;ji eggs with dense undergrowth rates not exceeding thirteen dollars per linear imusy ’ mile for standard and meander lines, eleven dollars for township, and seven dollars for section lines, and in cases of exceptional difficulties H£*°°P°i°¤** ‘m°“’· in the surveys, where the work can not be contracted for at these rates, ` compensation for surveys and resurveys may be allowed by the said Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, at rates not exceeding eighteen dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, fifteen dollars for township, and twelve dollars for section lines: Providcd, That in the States of California, Colorado, Idaho, m{·**¤d¤ in C**“‘°’¤*¤· Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Territory of ' Arizona there may be allowed, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the survey and resurvey of lands heavily timbered, mountainous, or covered with dense undergrowth rates not exceeding twenty-ilve dollars per linear mile for standard and meander lines, twenty-three dollars for township, and twenty dollars for section lines; and of the sum hereby appropriated not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars may be expended for resurveys, and not exceeding forty thou- mmsg sand dollars may be expended for examination of public surveys in P` the several surveying districts, in order to test the accuracy of the work in the iield and to prevent payment for fraudulent and imperfect surveys retmrnecl by deputy surveyors, and for examinations of surveys heretofore made and reported to be defective or fraudulent, and inspecting mineral deposits, coal fields, and timber districts, and for Iagggvgafml ¤*i¤°¤l making uch other surveys or examinations as may be required for ’ ' identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States. For survey of private land claims in the States of Colorado, Nevada, ,_§g’_;:};n:’ P"‘"" Wyoniing, and Utah, and in the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, ` confirmed under the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled “An "¤l·2°·v·*°*· Act to establish a Court of Private Land Claims, and to provide tbr the settlement of private land claims in certain States and Territories/’ approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for the resurvey of such private land claims heretofore confirmed as may be deemed necessary, fifteen thousand dollars, said sum to be also available for oilioe work on such surveys. For necessary expenses of sm·vey, appraisal, and sale of abandoned mggfgggfmmm military reservations transferred to the control of the Secretary of the ` Interior under the provisions of an Act of Congress approved July ilfth, V·>L¤*-1>-1°°- eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and any law prior thereto, including _ a cmstodian of the ruin of Casa Grande, six thousand dollars. d gm °"";_":· d or surveying that rtion of the boundary line between Idaho an ““’°Y° ““ "Y Montana beginning atxthe intersection of the thirty-ninth meridian, $23 mama mam with a boundary line between the United State and the British ,,,§,‘f"· *"· °”· °"* Possessions, including the retracing of so much of the international boundary line as may be found necessary for the determination of said intersection, then following said meridian south until it reaches the summit of the Bitter Root Mountains, and for locating points on said meridian by triangulation from the Spokane base of the United States Geological Survey, and on the continuation of said boundary line along the Bitter Root Mountains between Idaho and Montana, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- _ sary, to beimmediately available: Provided, That the Secretary of the ·}'Q"§,f°{;,,,,, ,,,,6,, Interior shall direct that the survey shall be executed under the super- mma, ot oaxuzmt vision of the Director of the Geological Survey by such persons RB sm"' may be employed by or under him for that purpose, and such survey shall be executed ugder instructions to be issued by the Secretary of VOL xxx-
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