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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/73

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34 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. am 1**** mi the Interior: Providcdfurther, That the plats and held_notes thereof prepared shall be approved and certified to by the Director of the Geological Survey, and three copies thereof shall be returned, one for filing in the surveyor-general’s oiilce of Idaho, one in the surveyorgeneral’s office of Montana, and the original in the General Land Office. F¤¤=•¤¤*·¤••=*· And such surveys, field notes, and plats shall have the same legal ’ force and effect as heretofore given to the acts of surveyors-general: rmunnsnc laws. Provided further, That all laws inconsistent with the provisions hereof are declared to be inoperative as respects such survey. mmm";. For the survey of the public lands that have been or may hereafter §»‘f,f,,",{,,‘fg,,_ mg be designated as forest reserves by Executive proclamation, under section twenty-four of the Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen Vol.U·P.1lG. hundred and ninety-one, entitled *·An Act to repeal timber-culture lawa and for other purposes," and including public lands adjacent thereto, which may be designated for survey by the Secretary of the Interior, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately available: mt Provided, That, to remove any doubt which may exist pertaining to the wg., m, E;°:,{¤r§ authority of the President thereunto, the President of the United °*'°*¤- States is hereby authorized and empowered to revoke, modify, or suspend any and all such Executive orders and proclamations, or any part thereof, from time to time as he shall deem best for the public interests: Pnwlnmstinu of Provided, That the Executive orders and proclamations dated February m§ ‘°"·“"" twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, setting apart and v¤1.¤.p·¤¤¤.•¢<= reserving certain lands in the States of Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Washington, Idaho, and South Dakota as forest reservations, be, and they are hereby, suspended, and the lands embraced therein restored to the public domain the same as though said orders and proclamations , I·¤¤•, had not been issued: Providedfurther, That lands embraced in such againsuhject nl pm. reservations not otherwise disposed of before March first, eighteen

  • ¤***°“· °*°· hundred and ninety-eight, shall again become subject to the operations

· of said orders and proclamations as now existing or hereafter modified byTtlim •d°”i.f ded f ll be ad d h Surveys w M ¤M¤ e surveys erein provi or sha m e, un er the supervision }'.,{;1gL°,tT.§',°fG"l°“` of the Director of the Geological Survey, by such person or persons as may be employed by or under him for that purpose, and shall be executed under instructions issued by the Secretary of the Interior; and if subdivision surveys shall be found to be necessary, they shall be executed under the rectangular system, as now provided by law. The ,,§;f;§f"*°"'”°‘°°· plats and field notes prepared shall be approved and certified to by the Director of the Geolofgical Survey, and two co ies of the iield notes shall be returned, one or the iiles in the United) States surveyor-gem era1’s office of the State in which the reserve is situated, the other in the General Land Office; and twenty photolithogra hic copies of the plats shall be returned, one copy for the tiles in the Gnited States surveyorgeneral’s office of the State in which the reserve is situated; the original plat and the other copies shall be tiled in the General Land Office, and shall have the facsimile signature of the Director of the Survey attached. rms mmm Such surveys, iield notes, and plats thus returned shall have the same legal force and effect as heretofore given the surveys, field notes, and plats returned through the surveyors-general; and such surveys, which include subdivision surveys under the rectangular system, shall be approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office as in other cases, and properly certified copies thereof shall be filed in the respective land offices of the districts in which such lands are situated, i¤¤¤¤{¤i·*·•¤*l·*¤ as in other cases. All laws inconsistent with the provisions hereof are §Q’;gf°· hereby declared inoperative as respects such survey: Provided, however, That a copy of every topographic map and other maps showing the distribution of the forests, together with such field notes as may be taken relating thereto, shall be certified thereto by the Director of the Survey and filed in the General Land Office. _ All public lands heretofore designated and reserved by the President "°L ”rP·1°°°· of the United States under the provisions of the Act approved March