FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 583, 584, 635. 1898. 72] CHAP. 583.—A.uAct Directing the enlistment of cooks in the Regular and Volun- July 7, 1898. teer armies of the United States. —-——·1—·‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, · Army- and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be enlisted in ]°““’°“‘°“°°°°°°]"‘ each company, battery, and troop in the Regular and Volunteer armies of the United States, as a part of the authorized enlisted strength thereof, under rules to be prescribed by him, a competent person as cook, who shall take rank as and be allowed the pay of a corporal of the arm of the service to which he belongs, and whose duties in connection with the preparation and serving of the food of the enlisted men of the company, battery, or troop, and with the supervision and instruction of enlisted men hereby authorized to be detailed to assist him, shall be prescribed in the regulations for the government of the Army. Approved, July 7, 1898. $5. 584.-A.n Act To amend the Act relating to pay of volunteer olllcers and July *1, isss. I0 Bl'!. ‘_‘_‘";" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of Congress vumau amy. approved May twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, enti· ,,f’g‘,{w‘,L},‘;,‘;}‘,‘,Q;’f’· tled “An Act providing for the payment and maintenance of volunteers during the interval between their enrollment and muster into the United States service, and for other purposes," be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: · . “ That the pay and allowance of all odlcers and enlisted men of the m{,},'_{;,_ P- *“°· volunteers received into the service of the United States under the Act of Congress approved April twenty-second, eighteen hundred and rv- W- M ninety-eight, an the acts supplemental thereto, shall be deemed to commence from the day on which they had their names enrolled for service in the Volunteer Army of the United States and joined for duty therein after having been called forby the governor on the authority of the President and all officers and enlisted men who have not been so paid shall be so paid by the Pay Department of the Army out of any _ moneys appropriated for the maintenance of the Army: Provided, ,0, Pm? That troops about to embark for service in the Philippine Islands may, pm 1»Y:¤¤¤. · in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be paid one month’s wages _ in advance prior to embarkation. Approved, July 7, 1898. CHAP. 635.-An Act To authorize the reassessment of water·main taxes in the July s, 1898. District of Columbia, and for other purposes. -———-—--—-—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District ¤r C¤1¤m· District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed IW;,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,, me, in all cases not exempted by this Act, where water-main taxes or assess- ;·;¤¤*¤f·•¤· M ••*¤·· ments in the District of Columbia have been quashed, set aside, or ' declared void by the supreme court of said District, or have been otherwise canceled or set aside by reason of such tax or assessment not having been authenticated by the proper officer, to reassess all lots or parcels "°”“'““‘°°‘°"°"· of ground in respect of such taxes or assessments, with power to assess and collect the same according to existing law relating to the assessment and collection of watemnain assessments or taxes: Provided, That in *"""·'°’· cases where such assessments have heretoforebeen quashed or declared g;fg’y‘;,f“°"° "‘“"‘ void by said supreme court, or have been otherwise canceled or set aside for the reason hereinbefore provided, the reassessment herein vox. xxx--16 _