722 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 635-637. 1898. provided for shall be made within one year hom the passage of this k%»¤:l:i¤t::•>¤¤r¤ w Act: And provided further, That hereafter all water-main taxes or ‘ assessments in the District of Columbia shall be levied and authenticated by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who are hereby -¤» designate mmf authorized to designate the official whose duty it shall be to notify the °°‘°"° “°"‘°°‘ owner or agent of any lot or land of any water-main tax or assessment levied against such lot or land. _Fm¤·=¤¤¤¤e¤¤ out- Sec. 2. That outside the city of Washington the said reassessment ';‘,‘{',§,,,,"‘§?,,f,lf.",,§’{'J,¥l shall be levied or assessed only on those lots or parcels of land into dulgggww which Potomac water has been or shall hereafter be introduced: Pro- ..., r...-'ki..g.-.,. vided, That where Potomac water has heretofore been introduced the
- •°•°'¤°“*~ said reassessment shall be made within ninety days after the passage
- of this Act, and that where Potomac water shall be hereafter introduced the said reassessment shall be made within thirty days after numnasvsaeu mm. such introduction: And provided jnrther, That any levy, assessment, or
- ,§fg‘{·j,;$§°§',‘§{"cxc6§,{f reassessment on land not subdivided into blocks and lots shall be made
mg 100 fm. etc. on a frontage not exceeding one hundred feet for each lot or parcel of land or premises into which Potomac water has been or shall be introduced, and shall be cptnusideied in guy subsequent suéndivision of such _ property as aving e n to a epth of not excee in one hundred ·""'°“**"'“"°· feet from the front of said lot or parcel of land: And prgvided further, That said water-main tax or assessment or reassessment shall be due, payable, and collectible on each lot or parcel of land or premises on and after the date on which the connection is made from the water main to the said lot or parcel of land or premises. ¢>r¤·ii¤f•¤ rri·>r1>¤y- Sec. 3. That in any assessment or reassessment made under. the pro- " ""' visions of this Act the owner of any lot or parcel of land shall be credited with any amount which may have been heretofore paid upon imydwater-main tax or assessment levied against such lot or parcel of an . Approyed, July 8, 1898. July 8.1898. _ CHAP. 636.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to exercise a discretion 3**; 111 certain cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United $5*;;; gcggmi-E States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War, in mrmiigmu worship. his chscretion, may authorize the erection ofa building for religious P _ worship by any denomination, sect, or religion on the West Point Mili- Nzgghtcdemwtb tary_ Reservation: Provided, That the erection of such building will ues or mewsuou, not interfere with the uses of said reservation for military purposes. °“ Said building shall be erected without any expense whatever to the Government of the United States, and shall be removed from the reservation, or its location changed by the denomination, sect, or religious body erecting the same whenever, in the opinion of the Secretary ot' War, public or military necessity shall require it, and without compensation for such building or any other expense whatever to the Government. Approved, July 8, 1898. _ _.1;:L1y_s, 1898. H A,<;_t§;}lp;•;ide a steam fog whistle at the entrance to Muskegon Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United mng?12-gen umm, {States of America in Congress assembled, That the Light-House Board S,,,,,?,,,;,,, ,,,,,,m,_ is hereby authorized and directed to provide a steam fog whistle at the entrance of Muskegon Harbor, in the State of Michigan. Approved, July 8, 1898.