38 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. and that the total amount of compensation to be paid to each commissioner annually shall in no case exceed the sum of two thousand live xppoinmmn hundred dollars: Provided, Said commissioners shall hereafter be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the B¤•¤i¤- Mp. bf Senate: Provided, That not more than two members of each board °°"°°°°°°dp°m`°°1 Y shall belong to the same political party; _ _ Monthly reports. For publication of the monthly reports filed by said commissioners in the office of the register and receiver of the Bozeman, Helena, and Missoula land districts, in the State of Montana, and the Cmur d’A1ene F¤P¤¤¤¤¤- land district, in the State of Idaho; and for the expenses pertaining to hearings ordered by, and conducted before, said registers and receivers, ten thousand dollars; _ _ _ S¢•¤¤z¤r¤¤¤‘·~ For the payment of stenographers employed by said commissioners when authorized by the Commissioner of the General Land Uilice, for the purpose of reducing testimony to writing in cases where it is found necessary to examine witnesses in order to establish the character of lands examined by said commissioners, one thousand dollars; In al], forty-one thousand dollars. ,w¤£·°°“¤¤°°“° °l’· MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. S¤v¤~¤¤¤ <>··¤¤ N- SUPREME Comm: msroursz To pay the reporter of decisions of the wm" Supreme Court of the United States for seventy-six copies, each, of volumes one hundred and sixty-seven and one hundred and sixty-eight, inclusive, of the United States Reports, at a rate not exceeding two V°*· °‘·P·“*· dollars per volume, under the provisions of section two of the Act of February twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, three hundred and four dollars. £¤¤_:_1jij)s_i¤¤r- PUBLISHING BIENNIAL REGISTER OF THE UNITED STATES: For Ppreparation of the Official Register of the United States for` eighteen hundred and ninety seven, including editing, proof reading, and indexing, four thousand dollars. _Govemment Hoe- GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE: FOI' Gl1I`l`Gllb OXPGIISBS P‘§g§f,;§: I“"“‘°· of the Government Hospital for the Insane: For support, clothing, and treatment in the Government Hospital for the Insane of the insane from the Army and Navy, Marine Corps, Revenue·Cutter Service, and inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United States who are insane, all persons who have become insane since their entry into the military or naval service of the United States, who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, two hundred and sixty-four thousand seven hundred and twenty-one dollars and four cents; and not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of this sum may be expended in defraying the expense of the removal of patients to their friends. Buiidinzn ¤¤<1 For the buildings and grounds of the Government Hospital for the gmmInsane, as follows: For general repairs and improvements, fifteen thousand For special improvements as follows: To construct additional accommodations at the Government Hospital for the Insane for the insane received from the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, seventy five thousand dollars. For new laundry, eighteen thousand dollars. coiumms nismu- CURRENT EXPENSES OF THE CoLUMmA INsTrrUTr0N FOB THE }§j’_];_,f°’ ”°“‘ ““" DEAF AND Dome: For support of the institution, including salaries cumin exp~¢¤¤¤—. and incidental expenses, for books and illustrative apparatus, and for general repairs and improvements, tlfty-four thousand five hundred dollars. nep¤n·¤,e¢c. For repairs to the buildings of the institution and to provide for increased water supply and protection against tire, three thousand dollars. nope ruivmsey. Howxnn UNIVERSITY! For maintenance of the Howard University, M°“"°“‘“‘°°· to be used in payment of part of the salaries of the officers, professors,
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