FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 39 teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance of which will be paid from donations and other sources, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars; For tools, materials, fuel, wages of instructors, and other necessary expenses of the industrial department, three thousand dollars; For books for library, law library, bookcases, shelving, and fixtures, nine hundred dollars; — For material and apparatus for chemical, physical, and natural history and laboratory, two hundred dollars; d Sor improvement of grounds and repairs of buildings, one thousand o ars; In all, thirty-two thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, That no grvviaw- h I _ ul part of this appropriation shall be used, directly or indirectly, for the .;.,J,Z{°im§’§,,{_ Z`{jH·°],,. support of the theological department of said university, nor for the bl dwsupport of any sectarian, denominational, or religious instruction ruspmmn. therein: And provided further, That no part thereof shall be paid to said university until it shall accord to the Secretary of the Interior, or to his designated agent or agents, authority to visit and inspect such university and to control and supervise the expenditure therein of all moneys paid under this appropriation. Enuoxrrorz IN Anksxn; For the industrial and elementary educa- 1M¤¤•¤¤¤ in Alntion of children in the Territory of Alaska, without reference to race, k"' thirty thousand dollars. · Bzmnxmn 12012. Anxsru: For support of the reindeer station at Port R•f¤d¤¤rf¤r·¤¤¤¤· Clarence, Alaska, and for the purchase and introduction of reindeer from Siberia for domestic purposes, the reindeer to be transported by giaessel of the Revenue-Cutter Service, twelve thousand five hundred 0 ars. Domnsrrc SUGAR Pnonucrronz To enable the Secretary of Agri- d_£g1!g;¤¤¤·¤¤¤P¤ culture to continue inquiry and ascertain the progress made in the rnmhgtsmi on production of domestic sugar from beets and sorghum, including the area of available lands adapted thereto by irrigation or otherwise, and to investigate all other matters concerning the same, for cost of labor, ` traveling and other expenses, five thousand dollars. That the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to establish Saiglgligligtougijg-· branch hydrographic offices at Duluth, in the State of Minnesota, Sault m1¤u.,n¤¢m¤, N.Y.°' Sainte Marie, in the State of Michigan, and Buffalo, in the State of ,c§g:;hbY‘“'°F°P*‘ New York, the same to be conducted under the provisions of an Act ' entitled “An Act toestablish a hydrographic office in the Navy Depart- Vol.14,p.0. ment," approved June twenty-ilrst, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to secure sufficient “:°°°*¤¤*°'*§'**°”'• accommodations in said cities of Duluth, Sault Sainte Marie, and Buffalo for said hydrographic offices, and to provide the same with the necessary furniture, apparatus, supplies, and services allowed existing branch hydrographic oiilces, at a cost not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, which sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for these purposes. UNDER THE WA R DEPARTMENT. W" D°P•"’¤•°”*· Anuoums Arm ARSENALS. me_¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤•i ·¤•· For the Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, as follows: B°°* m*“"·m· For machinery and shop fixtures, ten thousand dollars. Machinery,etc. For general care, preservation, and improvements; for painting and cm, m. care and preservation of permanent buildings; for building fences and sewers and grading grounds, ten thousand dollars. For extraordinary repairs of the Rock Island Arsenal water power, wm: p¤w•r.m. especially necessary for securing the same against destructive accident or injury during high water and freshets in the Mississippi River, twenty- eight thousand one hundred and nity dollars, tobe immediately available: Provided, That before work is commenced under this appropriation the P"”°°°'
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