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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/787

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748 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. RES. 49, 51. 1898. June 15» 1898- [No. 49.] Joint Resolution Instructing the Secretary of \Var to return to the State j; of Ohio the flags of certain regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Also to restore to the State of New York the flag carried by the One hundred and thirteenth New - York Volunteer Infantry. l Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Fetum *0 Stms PY of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and $i;?E.£Z€.°°m m he is hereby, instructed to return to the State of Ohio the regimental flags of the Twenty-first, Fiftyeighth, and Sixtieth Regiments of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, upon request of the Governor of said State. That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to turn over and deliver to the State of New York the flag now in his · custody that was carried by the One hundred and thirteenth New York State Volunteer Infantry (Seventh Heavy Artillery), that was raised and enlisted in the United States service from the State of New York during the rebellion. ~ . Approved, June 15, 1898. June 16, 1898. [No. 50.] Joint Resolution Directing the Secretary of War to submit estimates for wr-;"` work upon Wallabout Channel, New York. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States N::’__¤l1,:l;,<;¤¤C¤¤¤¤*» of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and nsmmés for work he is hereby, authorized and directed to submit estimates for work on °¤·°°°- Wallabout Channel, New York, with a view to secure a depth of twenty feet and a width of three hundred feet at mean low water from its entrance to the timber causeway, in accordance with the plans heretofore submitted, and that the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, requested totsubmit his opinion as to the advisability of the proposed 1mprovemen . Approved, June 16, 1898. June 25, 1898. [No. 51.] Joint Resolution To authorize and direct the Secretary of the Treasury "‘*_—?; to refund and return to the Chicago. Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company _ fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-five dollars and seventy-six cents, in accordance with the decision of the Secretary of the Interior dated March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Guise <>·M¤w¤¤k¤e Whereas the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railwa Com an wgrzlédli Rnmmin eighteen hundred and eighty, being duly authorized by) the S)ecrgz tary of the Interior. entered into negotiations with the Sioux Indians for right of way for a railroad through the Sioux Reservation in Dakota Territory: and ¥Vhercas an agreement was entered into by said railway company and certain chiefs and headmen of the Sioux Nation of Indians, and pending the ratification of said agreement the said railway company deposited or paid to the Secretary of the Interior fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-tive dollars and seventy-six cents, to be applied as said right of way, depot grounds, and so forth, in case the same were obtained for said company; and Whereas the Secretary of the Interior deposited said money in the Treasury of the United States and sent said agreements to Congress fbr ratification, which said agreements were never ratified and no11e of the lands or rights of way were ever secured by said railway company; but all of the said lands remained a part of the reservation until ceded by the said Indians subsequently to the United States; and Whereas application was made to the Secretary of the Interior for the return of said money to said company, and on March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, the said Secretary decided that said ufteen thousand three hundred and thirty-tive dollars and seventy-six cents should be returned to said company, and ordered an account to