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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/788

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. RES. 51—53. 1898. 749 be stated therefor, which requisition tbr repayment and return of the money was sent to the Treasury; and Whereas it is claimed by the Auditor of the Interior Department of the Treasury that no authority exists for the repayment and return of the same:' Therefore, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Gcmgress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to refund, ret1u·n, —¤~¤!¤¤d ug railway and pay to the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway Company ,§’§Y,°§,°,,,$§’,§’{. the amount paid or deposited by said company with the Secretary of morigléi efkgv the Interior, and by him covered into the Treasury of the United States, neilé mx r` as shown by Executive Document Numbered twenty, Forty-eighth Congress, ilrst session, to wit, the sum of fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-five dollars and seventy-six cents, and for which no consideration was received by said company, said repayment to be on the - account stated and in accordance with the decision of the Secretary of the Interior dated March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, ordering a refund thereoil Approved, June .25, 1898. [No. 52.] Joint Resolution Providing for the printing of additional copies of cer- ·T¤¤¤ 29. 1899- tsm volumes of Decisions of the Department of the Interior relating to public lands HH;"'"' for sale and distribution. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Public Printer be, and he P“*’“° Ind" is hereby, authorized and directed to print trom the stereotlype plates three hundred copies each` of volumes two, three, four, an live, and V ‘ one hundred and fifty copies each of volumes one, six, seven, eight, _ _ nine, and eleven of Decisions of the Department of the Interior relating ,_;°;°'§}°‘;‘,j§‘IIf,'{¥,,.‘; to Public Lands,_for the use of and for sale by the Department of the mtg m, ciucei Interior, and five hundred copies each of volumes twenty to twenty- P""‘ ‘°t°‘ nine, inclusive, and of the Digest of volumes one to twenty-two, to be delivered to the Superintendent of Document for distribution to depositories of public documents in the several States and Territories. Approved, June 28, 1898. ` [No. 53.] Joint Resolution Relating to the plurohsse of law booksinbooks of refer June 29,1DB. ence, periodicals, and newspapers for the mi 'tary information div 'on, Adjutant. HH General’s Onice. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the prohibition of the ¤,_'}'j,,D,f,*{‘}}`;‘;’,‘Q§‘§3·, purchase of “ law books, books of reference, and periodicals for use of 0*,%;* i I _ any Executive Department, or other Government establishment not iieniiivllltnucidiiinmd under an Executive Department, at the seat of Government," as set {,{;_;g|ag•_R]hj°{jj,¤;·k:* forth in section three of “An Act making appropriations for the legis- em., ri-tm nppmpntl lative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the iiscal §‘j’°°¤£f °§gf”“”¤°“” year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and for 2$•t•.P·316· other purp0ses,” shall not apply‘to the provision “ for contingent expenses of the military information division, Adjutant-Genera1’s Office, and of the military attaches at the United States embassies and legations abroad, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, three thousand six hundred and iorty dollars,” as duly set forth in the Act ·* making appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and in the Act W-*°·1>·°¤'· “making appropriations for the support of the Army for the iiscal year ending June thirtioth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine,” approved _;:;- on Match llfli00l1lGh, Bight0GB h\1!1d1‘8d 8Ild Dll10liy-Glgllli. Ahd tl1BllHl.lb3· purchase of newspation in section one hundred and ninety-two of the Revised Statutes of P°,Q•jk_ M ,,,27,,3,,_ one hundred dollars as the amount to be expended in any one year for '