752 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 56-58. 1898. men, is in accordance with his wishes, and is that which would give him the greatest satisfaction. _ I desire that a suitable gallery in the Library be devoted to this collection, and such additions as may from time to time be made to rt, to be known as the *‘ Gardiner Greene Hubbard Gallery," where it can be accessible to the public, to be studied and enjoyed under such reasonable regulations as may be made by Congress, or by the authority to whom Congress may delegate the control of the Congressional Library. Accompanying the collection is a bust of Mr. Hubbard by Gaetano Trentauove, which I desire may be kept in a suitable place in the gallery. I propose during my lifetime to add to the collection from tune to time, and in my will to make provision for increasing the collection by creating a fund of twenty thousand dollars, to be placed in the hands of "trustees, the interest of which is to be used by the Librarian of Congress in the purchase of additional engravings, it being my understanding that the expenses incident to the proper care of this collection will be borne by the Congressional Library and not be a charge agamst this fuiid. _ I _ _ am ver sincere ours, ’ y y, y Gmzrnunn M. Hmznsnn. The Honorable J om: Bussnm. Youre, Librarian of the Congressional Library, Washington, D. C. Approved, July 7, 1898. ·7¤|¥B·i9°9· [No. 57.] Joint Resolution To correct an omission relative to signal omcers on W the staff of corps commanders, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States my in t,,,,, of of America. in Congress assembled, That so much of section ten of the Wg- EM wander Act of Congress approved April twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and of airny cdrps m n.. ninety-eight, as provides that the staff of the general commanding an gig}; *· °*“°*' °*¥““* army corps shaH consist of certain officers, with the rank of lieutenant- _ rimip. sez. colonel, shall be held to include among such officers a chief signal govt3a}, m_i_m officer: Pro vided, That so much of the Act of Congress approved mdubiiig Jura tr August sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, as reduces the grade 32** ¤S¤¤l °”*°°*· of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army is hereby repealed, and the v¤n.zs.p.zu. colonel therein provided for shall be Assistant Chief Signal Officer and appointed, by regular promotion, upon the approval of this resolution: mpgs:. m Provided further, That the laws authorizing the detail and assignment v°‘2°‘P‘of the officers of the Army to duty in the Weather Bureau be, and are hereby, repealed. Approved, July 8, 1898. _ July 8, 1898. [No. 58.] Joint Resolution Regarding the holding of a Pan-American Exposition ' **1 in the year nineteen hundred and one u ion Uayu a Island, between the cities of Buffalo and Niagra-Falls, in the State og New Yordr, to illustrate the development of the Western emisphere during the nineteenth century. (_fj;g·Lj_¤°*é°:; nig Whereas there has been duly incorporated, under the laws of the islam. State of New York, by citizens of said State, a company organized for }’,jf;j‘;l’§3,,_ the purpose and with the object of preparing and holding a Pan- American Exposition on Cayuga Island, near Niagara Falls, New York, in the year nineteen hundred and one, to nttingly illustrate the marvelous development of the Western Hemisphere during the nineteenth century and to appropriately celebrate the opening of the twentieth century by a demonstration of the reciprocal relations existing between the American Republics and colonies; and Whereas the legislature of the State of New York has, by unanimous vote, memorialized Congress to encourage the holding of said Pm. American Exposition; and
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