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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/85

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46 _ FIFTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. can xanax Improving the Great Kanawha River, West Virginia: Completing m'“• W'"' improvement, two hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars. _ uomgnmmm, Improving upper Monongahela River, West Virginia: For continuw·'•· ing improvement by the construction of six locks and dams, three hundred and nity thousand dollars. out mm-. Improving the Ohio River: For continuing construction of Dams Numbered Two, Three, and Four, between Davis Island Dam and Dain Numbered Six, four hundred thousand dollars; and the provision in pm. 1;.., g, 3, 4, the river and harbor appropriation Act of June third, eighteen hundred

  • 133-_ ,_,_ P_ M_ and ninety-six, authorizing contracts to be made for improving Ohio

mma River by the construction of Dams Numbered Two, Three, Four, and Five is hereby amended to read as follow : Proviul. **Prooided, That contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of °°"°"‘"" War for the whole or any part of the material and work as may be necessary to prosecute work on said improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not exceeding mms. in the aggregate one million nine hundred and ninety thousand dollars, , exclusive of the amount herein appropriated: Provided further, That in makin such contract or contracts the Secretary of War shall not Lmnmnuyw. obligate the Government to pay in any one iiscal year, beginning July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, more than twenty-five per _ centum of the whole amount authorized to be expended!' . Kenmskymm-,Ky. Improving Kentucky River, Kentucky: For continuing the coustruction of Locks and Dams Numbered Seven and Eight, two hundred thousand dollars; and the provision of the “Act making appropriava. an, p. mn, tions for the construction, repair. and preservation of certain public “°°"‘°‘- works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," approved June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, relating to improving Kentucky

  • ‘*·•*•··•c||· River, Kentucky, is hereby amended toreadasfollows: “P*rov€ded, That

contracts may be entered into by the Secretary of War for such mate- · rials and work as may be necessary to prosecute work on said improvement in accordance with the present project for same, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not exceeding Limit- in the aggregate one million three hundred and forty-nine thousand dollars, exclusive of the amount herein and heretofore appropriated: 1** °”“ dw N°·'· Provided, That of the amount authorized to be expended eighty-three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be expended in addition to the fifty thousand dollars herein appropriated in continuing construction and completion of Lock and Dam Numbered Severn, by contract or otherwise, and said eighty-three thou- ¤¤¤¤'·¤¤·<=•ir•·¤‘· sand dollars shall be immediately available: Provided jarther, That in making such contract or contracts the Secretary of War shall not obligate the Governnrent to pay in any one fiscal year, beginning July iirst, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, more than twenty-five per centrun ‘of‘ the whole amount authorized to be expended.” Yam Riv¤r.M|¤¤- Improving Yazoo River, Mississippi: For continuing improvement of mouth of Yazoo River and harbor of Vicksburg, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. mywrrsqusmrts, Improving Bayou Plaquemine, Louisiana: For continuing improve- 1** ment, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. TCm¤b¤r1¤ml mm. Improving Cumberland River above Nashville, Tennessee; For- con- ‘""‘· tinuing improvement by construction of Locks Numbered Five, Six, and Seven, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Intggokixsgsllsnnrl Improving Falls of Ohio River at Louisville, Kentucky: For con- "° ‘ tinuing improvement, including Indiana Chute Falls, three hundred mggiou of im and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may ,,,,,,.,,’f.,,,,b,,.,,,,,,,; carry to completion the present project of improving the falls of the nrmm-wsse, cw. Ohio River and Indiana Chute Falls, Ohio River, by contract, as provided in the “Act making appropriations for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and vcr 29, p. 22:. for other purp0seS," which became a hw June third, eighteen hundred aud ninety-six; or the necessary materials may be purchased and the work done otherwise than by contract, in his discretion, if more economical and advantageous to the United States.