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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/86

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sus . I. Ch. 2. 1897. 47 Locks and dams in Ohio River: For completing construction of Dam gg §T=6*· Numbered Six, at or below the mouth of Beaver River, three hundred` thousand dollars. Improving Chicago River, Illinois: For continuing improvement from C‘“°a€° m""· UL its mouth to the stock yards on the South Branch, and to Belmont avenue on the North Branch, one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars, iu pursuance of the provisions of "An Act making appropriations for Vol-29.p.22S. the construction, repair, and improvement of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes/’ approved June third, eightcen hundred and ninety-six; and it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of the said provisions of said Act relating to the I¤*·¤¤*~ improvement of said Chicago River that all of the work in the improvement ot said river which was recommended or suggested to be done in the interest of commerce by Captain William L. Marshall, of the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army, in his report of August ninth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, may be done: Provided, That the !,’jL*j*°0;m total cost of such improvement or work shall not exceed the limit provided for in said Act. Illinois and Mississippi Canal: For continuing construction, eight _111i¤gi¤ and Mi¤¤i¤· hundred and seventy-tive thousand dohars. “'"‘ °“""L Improving waterway from Keweenaw Bay to Lake Superior, Michi- Wegwrjgal l§<>§··>¤· gan: For continuing improvement of water communication across :3:,. °y ° ° "P` Keweenaw Point, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving Mississippi River hom the mouth of the Ohio River to massassgigansw. . Saint Paul, Minnesota: For continuing improvement from the mouth ,,,}§‘{_“{}Q,‘{,_ m" m'" of the Ohio River to the mouth of the Missouri River, six hundred and seventy~three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. For continuing improvement from the mouth of the Missouri River R§§g;*{;*S*;'P*£§°°“* to Saint Paul, eight hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and P _` sixty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents: Provided, That thirty thousand R§§’,,",`#’fj ,; ,,,,,.1 dollars of said sum, or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be wémggf •¤•* expended in removing the sand bar which obstructs the channel of the Mississippi River in front of Dubuque, Iowa, and the entrance to the harbor of refuge at Dubuque, Iowa, and that iihzeen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended in removing the sand bar which obstructs the channel of the Mississippi River in trout of Muscatine, Iowa: Provided further, That the sum of fifty thousand nofnmsglfh 0*;*,},}; dollars of said sum shall be expended for continuing the work of con- w mms or rtw; structing artincial banks between the mouth of Flint River and run- "*'°"'· ning along the west bank of the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Iowa River. ` Improving Willamette and Yamhill rivers, Oregon: For completing Y;‘;}_l},•¤;_¤,g:1: *6*:} mprovement, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. gun. Improving Mississippi River: For continuing improvement of Mis- Mi¤qi¤¤im>i Rim sissippi River from Head of the Passes to the mouth of the Ohio River, C°§",'§"d°'5'}"j»,,,,, to including salaries, clerical, office, traveling, and miscellaneous expenses dgfhigsu m of the Mississippi River Commission, two million nine hundred and P° ’ ' thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars; which sum, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, may be immediately available for expenditure under contract or otherwise. And of the sum hereby appropriated, six hundred thousand dollars shall be deducted from the sum of two million five hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars authorized to be appropriated and expended for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, by the *‘Act making appropriations Vol. 29, p. zao. for the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purpe »ses,” which became a law on June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. For the purpose of preventing the Mississippi River from breaking h?0'·jPh*j°,*{,:·f}’*:m* through into the Cache River at or near a point known as Beach Ridge, ‘ ' a few miles north of Cairo, whereb the National Cemetcrpat Mound City, at the mouth of the Cache Biver, and the Marine ospital at Cairo would be in imminent danger of destruction, the sum of one _