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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/91

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52 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. arenot repaired by the Home; for fuel, including fuel for cooking, heat, and light; for engineers and iiremen, bathhouse keeper , hall cleaners, laundrymen, gas and soap makers, and privy watchman, and for all labor, materials, and appliances required for household use, and for their repairs unless the repairs are made by the Home, one hundred thousand dollars; _ Hmpiw- For hospital, namely: Pay of assistant surgeons, matrons, druggxsts, hospital clerks and stewards, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, readers, hospital carriage drivers, hearse drivers, gravediggers, funeral escort, and for such other services as may be necessary for the care of the sick; for surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicine, liquors, iruits, and other necessaries for the sick not_on the regular ration; for bedsteads, bedding, and bedding materials, and all other articles necessary for the wards; for hospital kitchen and dining room furniture, and appliances, including aprons, caps, and jackets for hospital kitchen and dining room employees; carriage, hearse, stretchers, collins; for tools of gravediggers, and for all repairs to hospital furniture and appliances not done by the Home, fifty-tive thousand dollars- '¤r•¤¤v¤r¤¤¤·¤- For transportation, namely: For transportation of members of the Home, one thousand five hundred dollars; ug- °°¤•*¤°· For repairs, namely: Pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, ` carpenters, cabinetmakers,coopers, painters, gas fitters, plumbers, tinsmiths, wire-workers, steam litters, stone and brick masons, quarrymen, vrhitewashers, and laborers; and for all appliances and materials used under this head, also for repairs ot roads and of other improvements of a permanent character, fifty thousand dollars; For brick water-closet building, one thousand seven hundred dollars; For building for outward of hospital, six thousand dollars; hm For farm, namely: Pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness makers, _ farm hands, gardeners, horseshoers, stablemen, teamsters, dairymen. herders, and laborers, and for all tools, appliances, and materials required for farm, garden, and dairy work; for grain, hay, straw, dressing seed, carriages, wagons, carts, and other conveyances; for all animals purchased for stock or for work (including animals in the park); for all materials, tools, and labor for ilower garden, lawn, and park; and for repairs not done by the Home, fifteen thousand dollars; In all, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred dollars. ¤g£_;=mB¤:· Arr THE N ORTHWESTERN BRANCH, AT MIL\VAUKEE, WISCONSIN: °°For current expenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, twenty-nine thousand dollars; S¤l·¤*·*·>¤¤°- For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand dollars; H·>¤··h¤1<1- For household, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, nity-nine thousand dollars; naples. For hospitahincluding the same objects specilled under this head for the Central Branch, thirty thousand dollars; 'r¤¤·r·¤¤¤¤i·>¤· For transportation of members of the Home, one thousand five hundred dollars; izspans. sm. For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, twenty thousand dollars; F¤¤¤· For farm, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, eight thousand dollars; In all, two hundred and seventy-six thousand five hundred dollars. Tvzun. Mc- AT trim EASTERN Bnmccn, AT Toons, llllxmn: For current expenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, twenty-three thousand dollars; S¤l>¤l¤¢¤¤¤¤- For subsistence, including the same objects specilied under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and seventeen thousand dollars; n¤¤¤e¤·»m. For household, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, fifty-two thousand dollars; Hospital. For hospital, including the same objects specitlcd under this head for the Central Branch, twenty-tive thousand eight hundred dollars;