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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/90

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FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 2. 1897. 5] Corps of the Army, one from the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and one shall be appointed from civil life. That for the purpose of ascertaining the character and value of the TPM of Ar¤¤¤¤·. improvements made at the Pass of Aransas, on the Gulf coast of Texas, °E°.?:£s to examine by the Aransas Pass Harbor Company, a board of three engineers shall *'¤P'°"°m°¤°¤- be appointed by the President, from the Engineer Corps of the Army; and such board shall personally make examination of the work done by said company for the purpose of deepening the channel and removing the bar at or near said Pass of Aransas. It shall be the duty of the board so constituted to report the depth D¤**¤¤· of water upon the bar at the time of their `examination; the character of the work done and the cost of same; the character and cost of any unfinished work contracted to be done by said company; the probable result upon the deepening of the channel across the bar of any work contracted for or contemplated by said company, but not then Hnished; the value to the Government of all work done or contracted to be done by said company for the purpose of deepening said channel or removing said bar, and such other information as they may deem essential to be known to Congress in making future provision for the purchase of said works by the United States Government. Said board shall report the result of their investigation to the Secre- Report tary of War on or before the first Monday in December, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and the Secretary shall immediately transmit the report to Congress; and five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of the said board and for the services of the said engineers, the amount of such 'compensation for said services to be iixed by the Secretary of War. Mmromu. munem Acnoss Poromc Brvmz: To enable the Chief ,,}{j:a?;}vgfi°¤•· of Engineers of the Army to make the necessary surveys, soundings, and borings, and for securing designs and estimates for a memorial bridge rromthe mostconvenient pointof the Naval Observatory grounds, or adjacent thereto, across the Potomac River to the most convenient point of the Arlington estate property, two thousand five hundred dollars. NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. m!::;;::-! {$:,2;,::: Soldiers. For the support of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, as follows: Ar rim Cimrnu. Bnucn, sr Darren, Omo: For current ¤·r=¤¤» Ohioexpenses, namely: Pay of otllcers and noncommissioned officers of the » Home, clerks, and orderlies, with such exceptions as are hereinafter noted; also payments for chaplains and religious instruction, printers, bookbinders, librarians, musicians, telegraph and telephone operators, guards, policemen, watchmen, and fire company; for all property and materials purchased for their use, including repairs not done by the Home; for necessary expenditures for articles of amusement, boats, library books, magazines, papers, pictures, and musical instruments, and for repairs not done by the Home; and for stationery, advertising, legal advice, and for such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other heads of expenditure, fifty-eight thousand dollars; For subsistence, namely: Pay of commissary sergeants, commissary Snbsintuweclerks, porters, laborers, bakers, cooks, dishwashers, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; the cost of all articles purchased for the regular ration, their freight, preparation, and serving; aprons, caps, and jackets for kitchen and dining-room employees; of tobacco; of all dining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils, hakers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances, and their repair not done by the Home, two hundred and eighty thousand dollars; For household, namely: Expenditures for furniture for officers’ quar- H°“’°’*°“· ters; for bedsteads, bedding, bedding material, and all other articles required in the quarters of the members, and for their repair if they