FIFTY-FIF'1‘H CONGRESS. Sess. I. GH. 2. 1897. 57 the same powers, duties, fees, and salaries as the present commissioners for that District. The marshal for the District of Alaska shall appoint one additional Ad;1i;fi¤¤¤1 deputy deputy marshal to reside at each point where an additional commis· mm S' sioner shall be located by the President as aforesaid, said deputies to Pvt r-114· have the same powers, duties, fees, and salary as the present deputy marshals for that District. For fees of jurors, five hundred thousand dollars, of which sum_one J¤¤>r¤’ f¤¤¤· hundred thousand dollars shall be immediately available. For fees of witnesses, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. W“°°*°°°’ *°°*· - For support of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing S¤PP°¤°fP**¤°¤°*¤· and medical aid, and transportation to place of conviction, or place of bona fide residence in the United States, and including support of prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, as well before as after conviction, and continuing insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent, seven hundred thousand dollars. For the support of the United States Penitentiary at Fort Leaven- gag mlggjgizjggih worth, Kansas, as follows: For subsistence, including supplies for mm. _ ' prisoners, warden, deputy warden, and superintendentof industries, S“"s‘“*°“°°· tobacco for prisoners, kitchen and dining-room furniture and utensils, and for farm and garden seeds and implements, and for purchase of ice if necessary, twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars; _ For clothing, transportation, rewards, and traveling expenses, includ- C*°“'“‘€·°*°· ing such clothing as can be made at the penitentiary, and for the usual gratuities as provided by law to prisoners at release, for expenses of penitentiary officials while traveling on duty, for expenses incurred pursuing escaped prisoners, and for rewards for their recapture, thirteen thousand dollars; _ For fuel, forage, hay, light and water, stationery, advertising, and m£§Q,}n,};§§;j0{'éf“' so forth, including purchase of fuel for generating steam, heating apparatus, burning bricks and lime, forage ior issue to public animals and hay or straw for bedding; stationery, blank books, blank forms, typewriting supplies for use in offices and prisoners’ school, pencils and memorandum books tbr guards, books for use in chapel, paper, envelopes, and postage stamps for issue to prisoners; for labor and materials for repairing steam-heating plant and water circulation and drainage; ' for general supplies, machinery and tools for use in shops, brickyard, quarry, limekiln, laundry, bathrooms, printing office, photograph gallery, stables, policing buildings and grounds; for the purchase of horses, mules, wagons, harness, veterinary supplies, lubricating oils, office furniture, stoves, iron bunks, blankets, bed sacks, paints and oils, library books, newspapers a.nd periodicals, and electrical supplies; for payment of water supply, telegrams, telephone service, notarial and veterinary services; for advertising in newspapers, proposals for supplies, and other necessary ad vertisements, and for miscellaneous expenditures which can not properly be included under the heads of expenditures, twenty-five thousand dollars; For hospital supplies, including purchase of medicines, medical and H°°P“’L surgical supplies, and all other articles required for the care and treatment of sick prisoners, and for expenses of interment of deceased prisoners, one thousand dollars; _ For salaries, including pay of oihcials and employees, as follows: S“”“"°* Warden, three thousand five hundred dollars; deputy warden, two thousand dollars; chaplain, one thousand five hundred dollars; physician, nine hundred dollars; hospital steward, nine hundred dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; bookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenographer, nine hundred dollars; storekeeper and steward, nine hundred dollars; superintendent of farm and transportation, one thousand dollars; superintendent of industries, one thousand five hundred dollars; janitor and messenger, six hundred dollars; organist at chapel, fifty-two dollars; captains of watch, one thousand eight hundred dollars; guards, thirty-six thousand dollars;
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