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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 30.djvu/97

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58 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2. 1897. two teamsters, nine hundred and sixty dollars; engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant engineer and electrician, nine hundred . dollars; in all, tltty-seven thousand six hundred and twelve dollars; R°l’**"'·°“’· For industries and repairs, including employment of foremen, machinist, shoemaker, harness maker, brickmaker, carpenter, blacksmith, stone mason, tailor, and tinner, when necessary, and for the purchase of materials for construction and repair of penitentiary buildings, eight th0u· d six hundred dollars; mln all, one hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars. . ` . Sm '°' "' Wu- To establish a site and for the erection of a penitentiary on the mili-

€i¤°»Te'e`;mm"°° tary reservation at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and for other purposes

"°L”·¤*”°· incident thereto, under the Act of June tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, fifty thousand dollars. nm. For rent of United States court rooms, ninety thousand dollars. s.nass,m. For pay of bailiifs and criers, not exceeding three baililfs and one r-mt. crier in each court, except in the southern district of New York: Pro- {_°g”*_L;}“,g5°d**t§.*; vided, That all persons employed under section seven hundred and "’°'fifteen of the Revised Statutes shall be deemed to bein actual attendance when they attend upon the order of the courts: And provided vmmmm. further, That no such person shall be employed during vacation; oi reason able expenses for travel and attendance of district judges directed to hold court outside of their districts, not to exceed ten dollars per day each, to be paid on written certificates of the judges, and such payments shall be allowed the marshal in the settlement of his accounts with the United States; expenses of judge of the circuit courts of appeals; of meals and lodgings for jurors in United States cases, and of bailiffs in attendance upon the same, when ordered by the court; and of compensation for jury commissioners, five dollars per day, not exceeding three days for any one term of court, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. cmmmmm _¢¤ That the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall

‘;Q{{’,_,f’;{,*,_f{’j’,}{,*; appoint three commissioners whose duty it shal-l be, under the direcv.S. tion of the Attorney-General, to revise and codify the criminal and

penal laws of the United States. mpum. That they shall proceed with their work as rapidly as may be consistent with thoroughness, and shall report the result of their labors to the Attorney-General when completed, to be by him laid before Gongress, and shall make such other reports during the progress of their work as they shall see iit to the Attorney-General, to be laid before Congress at his discretion. cum;. in manic That their report shall be so made as to indicate any proposed change '“'·°‘°· in the substance of existing law, and shall be accompanied by notes which shall brietly and clearly state the reasons for any proposed change. s»nm.¤·i»¤pe¤m. That each of said commissioners shull receive a salary of five thousand dollars a year, which, as also a sum sufficient to pay the expenses of the commissioners, to be approved and certified to by the Attorney- General, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Mi¤¤¤ll¤¤¤¤¤¤· For payment of such miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney-General, for the United States courts and their officers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, and moving the records, two hundred thousand dollars. §:fi::ir;sT::iww» For salaries and expenses of clerks, Cmnnlissioners, and constables, 'gud expenses of judges, In the Indian T€l'l’ll'0l'y, seventy-five thousand o ars. · SM ¤·¤i··¤¤·<·¤¢- UNDER THE STATE DEPARTMENT. . Printing csi-maui To pay the expenses of printing, in com liance with the re uire- °°$J§f§}§‘§,`{ '°'°‘ ments of the Act of Ifebruary third, eightlien hundred and eighty- seven, the certified copies of the final ascertainment of the electors for