FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 159. 1900. 63 RENT or LEGATIoN BUILDINGS AND GRoUNDs IN CHHA. Rm. Rent of buildings for legation and other purposes at Peking, or cum. such other Hlace in China as shall be designated, three thousan six ' hundred dollars. GROUND RENT or LEGATION AT TOKYO, JAPAN. Annual ground rent of the legation at Tokyo, Japan, for the year Jamendin(g March fifteenth nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and ` fifty ollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. REPAIRS or LEGATIGN PREMISES AT RAN xox, SIAM. For repairing and improvement of legation premises at Bangkok, pa1§r”;”¤k°k·S*¤m¢’° Siam, the same, with the ground, being the gift of the Government of ` Siam, two thousand dollars. ANNUAL EXPENSES or CAPE SPARTEL LIGHT, COAST or Monocco. Annual proportion of the expenses of Calpe Spartel and Tangiers <>¤1¤¤ Svmeiiizht Light, on the coast of Morocco, including oss y exchange, t ree hundred and twenty-five dollars. RRINGING HOME GRIMINALS. Actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign countries Bringing 1wm• persons charged with crime, five thousand dollars.°'“'“““ s‘ FEES AND- COSTS IN ExTRADITIoN cAsEs. To enable the Secretary of State to comply with the requirements Ex tradition ex. of the fourth Section of ‘ An Act regulating fees and the practice in P°{}§‘f?g2,,,_m6_ extradition cases," approved August thir , eighteen hundred and eighty-two, to be disbursed by the Secretary of State, five thousand dollars. RESGUING sHII>wREcKED AMERICAN SEAMEN. Expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of the serv- mgéieizuvins testiices of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American m ` seamen or citizens from shipwreck, four thousand five hun red dollars. EXPENSES UNDER THE NEUTRALITY AcT. To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the “Exgens•»¤. neutralneutrality Act, to be expended under the direction of the President, `l€§,js..c,291,p,49_ pursuant to the requirement of section two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, eight thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. EMERGENOIES ARISING IN THE DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICE. To enable the President to meet unforeseen emergencies arising in _U¤f¤rs•=en emergenthe diplomatic and consular service, and to extend the commercial and °l`i$§S_,m_291,p_49_ other mterests of the United States, to be expended pursuant to the requirement of section two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, sixty-three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
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