64 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 159. 1900. AILLOWANCE TO WIDOWS OR HEIRS or D11=LoMAT1c oFExoERS WH0 DIE ABRoAD. diggggaiggoggoggglgg Payment, under the provisions of section seventeen hundred and omcsmaying-Abroad. forty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, to the Widows R·S·i“°·""9*p·3“· or heirs at law of diplomatic or consular officers of the United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their duties, five thousand dollars._ TRANSPORTING REMAINS OF D1rLoMAT1o OFFICERS, coNsULs, AND coN- SULAR GLERKS TO THEIR HOMES EoR INTERMENT. mggggiggg 1§¤<;g;gt€§ · Defraying the expenses of transporting the remains of diplomatic consuls, em.and consular officerS of the United States, including consular clerks, _ who have d1ed or ma die abroad or in transit win e in the dischar e . . . Y . .¤ . . g of the1r offic1al duties, to their former homes in this country for mterment, and for the ordmary and necessary expenses of such interment, five thousand dollars. 1NTERNAT10NAL BUREAU or WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Innegnaxjopcgtg Enué Contribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of §§§§S§,.,S_y mg f' Weights and Measures for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen V°l-2°-P·"‘*- hun red and one, in conformity with the terins of the convention of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to said Bureau, on its certificate of apportionment, two thousand two hundred and seventy dollars. _ INTERNATIONAL BUREAU EoR BUBL1cAT1oN OF CUSTOMS TARIEES. mg¤;€§§ggg%¤&m§§¤· To meet the share of the United States in the annual exipense for the year ending March thirty-first, nineteen hundred an one, of sustaining the International Bureau at Brussels for the translation and gublieation of customs tariffs, one thousand three hundred and eighteen ollars and seventy-six cents· this appropriation to be available on V°‘·26·P·“"8· April first, nineteen hundred, pursuant to convention proclaimed December seventeenth, eighteen undred and ninety. INTERNATIONAL (WATER) BOUNDARY COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND ‘ MEXICO. Bgéggaac aé¤0¥=;1;;>s{ To enable the commission to continue its Work under the treaties of sum. y eighteen hundred and eighty-four and eighteen hundred and eighty-
gg nine, twenty thousand do lars.
INTERNATIONAL BUREAU AT BRUSSELS Bon REPRESSION or THE AFRI- CAN SLAVE TRADE. Siglurgigigga gglggsé To meet the Share of the United States in the expenses of the sépecial mae. _ bureau created by article eighty-two of the general act conclu ed at V°’·27* p· 91‘· Brussels July second, eighteen hundred and ninety, for the repression of the African slave tra e and the restriction of the importation into and sale, in a certain dehned zone of the African continent, of firearms, ammunition, and sgirituous liquors, for the year nineteen hundred and one, one hundred ollars. ‘ INTERNATIONAL PRISON COMMISSION. rnéernarioggnil Pri- For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of Sm °m""S"°the International Prison Commission, and the expenses of a commissioner, including preg)aration of reports, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may e necessary.