FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 159. 1900. 65 INTERNATIONAL GEODETIC ASSOCIATION FOR THE MEASUREMENT or THE EARTH. To enable the Government of the United States to pay, through the d£n¢$;¤arip¤q.1 Gm ‘American embassy at Berlin, its quota as an adhering member of the ° 1° ”°°’°"°°‘ International Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth, one thousand five hundred dollars. REPAIRS TO I.EeATIoN AND ooNSUI.AR PREMISES. To enable the Secretary of State to keep in re air the le ation and R°P“l’s“°1°F¥*m°“‘ consular premises owned by the Government of the United States and and consulam occupied by its agents, three thousand dollars. SCHEDULE B. Schedule B· SALARIES, coNsUI.AR SERVICE. saimes. Consuls-general at London, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro, at five thou- Consuls-general sand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Honglkong, Shanghai, and Calcutta, at five thousand dollars each, fifteen thousand dollars; Consul-general at Melbourne, four thousand five hundred dollars; Consuls-general at Berlin, Montreal, Yokohama, Panama, and Mexico (city), at four thousand dollars each, twenty thousand dollars; Consuls-general at Halifax, Ottawa, and Vienna, at three thousand five hundred dollars each, ten thousand five hundred dollars; ` Consuls-ieneral at Antwerp, Agia, Constantinople, Dresden, Guaya- . uil, Fran fort, Rome, Saint etersburg, Singapore, Calpe Town ?Africa), Barcelona, and Saint Gall, at three thousand dollars each, thirty-six thousand dollars; ' Consul-general at Monterey, at two thousand five hundred dollars; Consul-general at Guatemala, two thousand dollars; Consuls—general at Tangiers and Maracaibo, at two thousand dollars each, four thousand dollars; ~· . Consul-general at Santo Domingo, two thousand dollars; · Consul-general and secretary of legation at Stockholm, one thousand five hundred dollars; Consul-general at Christiania, one thousand five hundred dollars; Total, one hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred dollars. For Salaries of consuls, vice-consuls, and commercial agents, four €¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤*¢- hundred and forty-six thousand dollars, as follows, namely: CLASS Classl,85,0008.yea1= Consul at Liverpool, five thousand dollars. CLASS II. c¤¤sé` 11. ‘ss,¤oo ¤ > 2 YBBI. At three thousand five hundred dollars per annum. China: Consuls at Amoy, Canton, and Tientsin. France: Consul at Havre. Peru: Consul at Callao. CLASS III. class n1, saoou A YGBI'. At three thousand dollars per annum. Austria: Consul at Prague. vox. xxxI—-5
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