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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/122

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70 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 159. 1900. Berne, Demerara, Florence, Genoa, Malaga, Mannheim, and Stuttgart at four hundred and eighty dollars each, three thousand three undred and sixty dollars; ¤g;’¤S“‘°*°S¤°*¤P°°*· Allowance for clerks at consulates, to be expended under the direc- ` tion of the Secretary of State at consulates not herein provided for in res act to clerk hire, no greater portion of this sum than five hundred _ dollars to be allowed to any one consulate in an one fiscal year, thirty- _{?,,Q,‘§'Z’°‘ five thousand dollars: Provided, That the total sum expended in one year shall not exceed the amount appropriated; Total, one hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and thirty dollars. SALARIES or INTERPRETERS ro coNsULArEs IN CHINA, KOREA, AND JAPAN. 1¤¢¤rpr¢¢¢¤=· Interpreters to be employed at consulates in China, Korea, and Japan, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, fifteen thousand dollars. EXPENSES or INTERPRETERS, GUARDS, AND so Foam, IN TURKISH DoM1N1oNs, AND so FORTH. t£¤wr1>r~=>¢<·>r¤.s¤¤¤¤*i¤» Interiyreters and guards at the consulates in the Turkish dominions °` and at anzibar, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, eight thousand ollars. SALARIES, >1ARsHALs Pon CONSULAR comrrs. M¤¤¤¤l¤· Marshals for the consular courts in China, Korea, and Turkey, nine thousand three hundred dollars. C°¤¤“'*“ P’*°°“”· EXPENSES or PR1soNs rox AMERICAN coNv1ers. B¤¤¤k°k- Ex enses of a prison and prison keeper at the consulate-general in Bangkok, Siam, one thousand dollars; Sh¤¤¤h¤*· Actual expense of renting a prison at Shanghai for American convicts in China, seven hundred and fifty dollars; and for the wages of a kee er of such rison, eight hundred dollars; one thousand Eve hundred and fifty dllllars; · Keeping prisoners- Paying for the keeping and feeding of prisoners in China, Korea, Pwvlm- HOW Siam, and Turkey, nine thousand dollars: Provided, That no more IiZ`€mmum ° than fifty cents per da for the keepin and feeding of each prisoner while actually confined, shall be allowed or paid for any such eeging and feeding. This is not to be understood as covering cost of me ical attendance and medicines when required by such prisoners: Andpr0— -self-supp¤r¢i¤z1>ri¤- ·videdfm·¢he7·, That no allowance shall be made for the keeping and °“"S` feeding of any prisoner who is able to pay or does pay the above sum of fifty cents per day; and the consular officer shall certify to the fact of inability in every case; . Renwrurkey- Rent of prison for American convicts in Turkey, and for wages of kee ers of the same, one thousand dollars; Tldtal, twelve thousand Eve hundred and fifty dollars. RELIEF AND PROTECTION or AMERICAN sEAMEN. Relief of Americgu Relief and protection of American seamen in forei n countries, and °°°m°°' shipwreeked American seamen in the Territory 0% Alaska, in the Hawaiian Islands, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine Islands, or so much thereof as may be necessary, thirty thousan dollars.