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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/123

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FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 159. 1900. 71 FOREIGN HOSPITAL AT oA1>E TowN. F°’°*g“ h°’P*“*‘¤· Annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hos ital Ceve TOW- (a foreign hospital) at Cape Town, twenty-five dollars, to be paid) by the Secretary of State upon the assurance that suffering Seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the priv1leges of Said hospital. . FOREIGN HOSPITALS AT PANAMA. \ Annual contributions toward the support of foreign hospitals at P¤¤¤m¤- Panama, five hundred dollars, to be paid by the Secretary of‘State upon the assurance that suffering seamen and citizens of the United States will be admitted to the privileges of said hospitals. 1>UBL1oAT1oN or DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND oT1=1E1>. COMMERCIAL REPORTS. Preparation, printin , publication, and distribution by the Depart~ frsvefilg-¢¤¤·»¢¤¤· ment of State of the diplomatic, consular, and other commercial re- Su M mw s` ports, thirty thousand dollars; and of this sum the Secretary of State Er¤1¤1<>Y€¤¤» ew- IS authorized to expend not exceeding five thousand five hundred dollars for services of em loyees in the Bureau of Foreign Commerce (formerly the Bureau of Statistics), Department of State, in the work of compiling and distributing such reports; the sum of two thousand dollars for the cost of cablegrams in instructing consular officers to report upon matters of immediate importance to commerce and industry, and of cablegrams of consuls on such subjects; also to defray the extra expense imposed upon consular officers in collectin certain data where it seems to be warranted; and not exceeding twogiundred rand fifty dollars in the purchase of such books, maps, and periodicals as may be necessary to the editing of diplomatic, consular, and other commercial reports: Provided, That all terms of measure, weight, and grvvisv; 1 t { money shall be reduced to and expressed in terms of measure, weight, met,(§\ii»i§silp.°n S ° and coin of the United States, as well as in the foreign terms; that each p0I;{§" °f ‘SS“€ of ’°‘ issue of diplomatic, consular, and other commercial reports shall not exceed ten thousand copies. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, UNITED STATES CONSULATES. Expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other Contingent txbooks, seals, presses, iiags, signs, rent, postage, furniture, statistics, p‘“"“°“·°°“s“1“‘°S· newspapers, freight (foreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling expenses of consular officers and consular clerks, com ensation of Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may think necessary fo1· the several consulates, consular agencies, and commercial agencies in the transaction of their business, two hundred thousand dollars. INTERNATIONAL UNION oE`AMEn1oAN REPUBLICS. Commercial Bureau of American Republics, thirty-six thousand R§,§§g§Q°‘Am°"°“¤ dollars: Provided, That any moneys received from the other American Prwiwsi _ Republics for the support of the Bureau, or from the sale of the Bureau S,,H§,?§€?°°°‘ptS {mm publications, from rents, or other Sources shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit in addition to the a propriation, and may be drawn therefrom u on requisitions of the Sldcretary of State for the urpose of meeting tHe expenses of the Bureau: Anddgorovidedfuré/ter-, That the mntingot Monthly Public Pr1nter be, and is hereb , authorize to print an edition of the B““°“” “““’°’*’°"· Monthly Bulletin not to exceed, Eve thousand copies for distribution by the Bureau every month during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one. Approved, April 4. 1900. °