FIFTY·S1XTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 187-189. 1900. 75 company, in the East Machias River, in said county of Washington and State of Maine, at the extreme end of said river, near the village of East Machias, in said county and State, be, and both of said trestles hereby are, declared to be lawful structures: Provided, That such mod- Pawn. _ _ iiications are made in their present position, condition, and elevation §§lm°g”°fp°S°’°‘°“’ as the Secretary of War may order in the interests of navigation. Approved, April 12, 1900. CHAP. 188.-An Act To amend an Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred Aprll12,1900. and eighty, governing the immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise with- `”“`_°_;` out 3ppI`31S€H1€HlZ. .Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re Vesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ']`li;.t the privileges of the Laredo. aegis pass, Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, governing the §%;£l§$_S?{E°x"““d immediate transportation of dutiable merchandise without appraise- p,},j‘gg?,i“‘°,,$5gé;,;‘ ment, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the ports of Laredo, em., exveniiieam. ’ Eagle Pass, and El Paso, Texas, and Nogales, Arizona. v°1'21’p'm‘ Approved, April 12, 1900. CHAP. 189.-An Act Permitting the building of a dam between Coon Rapids and April 12,1900. the north limits of the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, across the Mississippi River. *1*; Be it enacted by t/ie Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress Twin City Rapid is hereby granted to the Twin City Rapid Transit Com any, its suc- lifil1°SiiiigSig§,;pi°§l$”Ll cessors or assigns, to construct across the Mississippi River, at any ““C°°“ Ravi S·°‘°- point between Coon Rapids and the north line of the limits of the city of Minneapolis, a dam, canal, and works necessarily incident thereto, for water-power purposes. The said dam shall be so constructed that there can, at any time, be constructed in connection therewith a suitable lock for navigation purposes: Provided, also, Prevent. I That the Government of the United States may at any time take pos- G¤ver¤m¤¤t consession of said dam and appurtenant works and control the same for mh purposes of navigation by paying the said company the value not exceeding the actual cost of the same, but shall not do so to the destruction of the water power created by said dan1 to any greater extent than may be necessary to provide proper facilities for navigation: Provided further, That the works shall be constructed so as to Pmase <>f¤»¤~wi<>s¤· govide for the free passage of saw logs. The said Twin City Rapid Ch““g"S· ·ansit Company shall make such change and modification in the works as the Secretary of War may from time to time deem necessary in the interests of navigation, at its own cost and expense: Provided farther, That in case any litigation arises from the obstruction of the channel Li*>ig¤ii°¤· by the dam, canal, or appurtenant works, the case may be tried in 'the proppr Federal court of the United States in which the works are situate . Sec. 2. That the right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment. expressly reserved: End provided farther, That suitable fishways, to Proriso. be approved by the United States Fish Commissioner, shall be con- F‘S“"’“"S· structed and maintained at said dam by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 3. That this Act shall become null and void unless the dam <餤i¤i<;¤p¤¤¤i¤¤i herein authorized be commenced on or before the lirst day of July, an °°mp€ m' nineteen hundred and one, and be completed within three years thereafter. _ _ M Approved, April 12, 1900. (ig.,
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