74 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 185-187. 1900. promo. of each year: Provided, however, That suitable rooms and accommoda~ §§§§" &°°°mm°d°` tions are furnished for the holding of said courts free of expense to S TS _ t _ theéGoverrrf1§ent Hf theiUnitedhStsi1lte% H h f b b h ‘“ °$‘““S "’“¥‘ no. 2. at a civi suits w ic s a erea ter e rou t a ainst giblriglgicllsereutdiw a defendant or defendants who reside in said northwestern€1ivis§on of said district shall be brought in said northwestern division; but if there are two or more defendants residing in different divisions of said distrgct,1 such sluift mdzgy be bréoigghg in eitherd divisgonlpf said disé trict in w ic an e en nt or e en ants resi e, an a mesne an final process subirect to the provisions of this Act issued in either of the divisions of the northern district of Georgia may be served and exgcuted i1;fIeitheE or all of tge givisions. h I f h U t d P¤>S¤¢¤¤i>¤¤f¢fim¢¤· no. 3. at a crimes an o enses a ainst the laws o the ni e States committed within the counties gomprising the northwestern division of said district shall be prosecuted, tried, and determined at Promo- the terms of the circuit and district courts herein provided for: Pro- —v<=¤di¤s wes- vided, however, That all prosecutions begun and pending at the taking effect of this Act shall be proceeded with and finally determined as if this Act were not passed. _ deggtgglieggggtelgggf Sec. 4. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts for said ` northern district shalleach appoint a deputy, who shall reside and maintain an office at the city of Rome, each of whom, in the absence of the clerks, shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of his principal within the division for which he shall be appointed: qqggggélof em ébegded, Clgihpt the]_appp}intmEn§1<{)f such d§pu}t1es shalltbel appgwgged 'y e cour or w 10 ey s a e respec IVB y appom e , an ey ma be removed b such court at leasure. J¤¤<>¢¤ Sync. 5. That alllthe grand jurorg and all jurors for the trial of civil and criminal causes in the division hereby created shall be selected from citizens residing in the division created by this Act. Effect Sec. 6. That this Act shall take effect from and after the thirtieth nepeal. day of June, anno Domini nineteen hundred, and all Acts and parts of Acts so far as inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, April 12, 1900. April 12,1900. CHAP. 186.—An Act To attach the county of Foard, in the State of Texas, to the -——-·——·— Fort Worth division of the northern district of Texas, and providing that all process issued again t defendants residing in said county shall be returned to Fort Worth. Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatioes of the United _·rex;.s qmnemjmn- States of America en Congress assembled, That the county of Foard, in °"}}0‘§_‘f,{'L°§‘un,,. M. the State of Texas, be, and the same_ is hereby, assigned to the Fort g<=§¤§gntg,F¤¤ Wmh Worth division of the northern ]udic1al district of the State of Texas, -;imess.and that all Ipiipcess issued ggaiiist defepdangts residing in the said county of Foard s a be returne to ort ort . Approved, April 12, 1900. April 12,1900. CHAP. 187.-An Act Declaring certain trestles of the Washington County Rail- ····;"—"‘_‘ road Company to be lawful structures. Be it enacted by the Se·nate and House of Representatives of the United W».w1¤i¤s¤<>¤ C¤¤¤W States of America en O ress assembled, That the trestle on the East- Riiiiiiggi tissues be- port Branch of the NVE;/gin ton County Railroad, being the roperty ‘°“gi“g “’· ‘”°‘“’°d of the Washin ton Count Railroad Com an and runnin grom the lawful structures. _ _ g _ y F , y? , g extreme point of land south of Pleasant oint, in the town of Perry, county; cg Vyashirigfzondand Sltate of Mpipge, 5o tlt1e_extre&ne noptherg end o ar ows s an , in the town o as por , in said coun y an State; and a certain other trestle, also the property of said railroad
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