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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/130

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78 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 191. 1900. United States and withdrawn for consum tion or sale u n a ment of a tax equal to the internal-revenue tax idlposed in the l?iiitdi1)States upon tlge likelalxgticles of Hnerchandise of domestic manufbacturmhsucg tax to e ai y interna -revenue stamp or stam s to e urc ase and grovidbd by the Commissioner of Internal Revgnue and go be procure from the collector of internal revenue at or most convenient to ·the port of entry of said merchandise in the United States, and to be aflixed under such regulations as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,) with ghe approval oi the Slecrgtary 0% the dT§easury, shall pre- —United States, man- SC1`l 8; 3,1] OH 8. 3iI‘l}lC BSO H'1€I'C 311 lSB of YllliB lD21»liBS II]8.Ill1f8.0tl.11`6 _ “f°‘°°“'°“‘ coming into Porto Rico in addition to the dut above provided upon payment of a tax equal in rate and amount to the internal-revenue tax imposed in Porto Rico upon the like articles of Porto Rican manufac- Hiiigigion me of ture: Provided, That on and after the date when this Act shall take merchandise not_du— effect, all merchandise and articles, except coffee, not dutiable under §,§,l§,§_‘“ “‘° U““"° the tariff laws of the United States, and all merchandise and articles entered in Porto Rico free of duty under orders heretofore made b the Secretary of War, shall be admitted into the several ports thereof; when imported from the United States, free of duty, all laws or parts syigggigégg eggs? {gg of law)? to §hi>)copt1§:y noplwghistandingxagd wgenezer gzhe legislative tionestab1ished,etc. assem y o or o ICO s a ave enac e - an u m o o era 1on a iystemRof lolgzalmtiaxastion to speci: She ngcplsigtips of) tpe govgiipment og orto ico, y is ct esta is e , an s a · reso ution u y asse so notify the President, he shall make proclandtion thereof, andgzhere- %pon fall tarlitf pgutiesl oéi merchandise and artgzlepf goiggsinto Eorto ico rom the United States or comin into the United States rom Porto Rico shall cease, and from and aftgr such date all such merchangise and grticles shall behe15tered dat the }SBV61i?l pogtsfof ergzryi freei of Ne duiies ufier uty; an in no event s a an * uties Je co ecte a ter the rst a March 1’ mz of March, nineteen hundred gud two, on merchandise and articleys going ipto Ptgto Rip; from the United States or coming into the United tates rom orto ico. Duties. etc., to con- Sec. 4. That the duties and taxes collected in Porto Rico in ursui;ft§1—i2&§$’§$r?§$ {ESS ance of this Act, less the cost of collecting the same, and thepgross ‘“°’ P°"° Rm- amount of all collections of duties and taxes in the United States upon articles of merchandise cominlg from Porto Rico, shall not be covered §ntodthe genleral tfundi of Athi tgeasury, bpt ihpll lip help az 2. sgparatg un,an sa epace a e isosao e res1en o euse for the government and benefit of Polite Rico until the government of Porto Rico herein provided for shall have been organized, when all moneys theretofore collected under the rovisions hereof, then unexpended, shall be transferred to the local)treasury of Porto Rico, and utsfiiregary <>ft'1`reag the Secretary of the Treasury shall designate the several ports and sub- 0sis¤3r,·€§§ti1iir$§§°§i;s ports of entry in Porto Rico and shall make such rules and regulations '“"’S ““d ’°g“l“‘i°“*‘- and appoint such agents as may be necessary to collect the duties and taxes authorized to be levied, collected, and paid in Porto Rico by the ppovisions of this Act, apdfhcilshalll fiyéi the compensaticén and provide or the ayment thereo o a suc 0 cers, a ents, an assistants Ials hefm%· gt igecessaryitp employ to carrygopt the provisigns P··<>2·iS¢>- , ereo : 0*vvI awefver, at as soon as a civi overnment or 1¤]i%mi$°¤ii¤bft1€iil¤<i Porto Rico shall have been organized in accordancegwith the rovi- "§§F§§{, u}‘Q‘,$§ esjuvgf sions of this Act and notice thereof shall have been given to the gresillsneu. dent he shall make proclamation thereof, and thereafter all collections of duties- and taxes in Porto Rico under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the treasury of Porto Rico, to be expended as £equired_(lpy lavséhfoiij the govepnilpexg audi léenefit thereof instead of ein a1 into e reasurv 0 the United States. Duties on entry or 5. That on and after the day when this Act shall go into effect Zv§§1;,`3;E'§§v‘§lm‘§0,'{‘§§ all goods, wares, and merchandise previously imported from Porto

  • '°m.P°"° Ri°° P’*°’ Rico, for which no entry has been made, and all goods, wares, and

tommwxw`. merchandise preyiously entered without payment of duty and under