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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/131

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F1FTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 191. 1900. 79 bond fO1‘ warehousing, transportation, or any other purpose, for which no ermit of delivery to the importer or his agent has been issued, shall) be subjected to the duties imposed by this Act, and to no other duty, upon the entry or the withdrawal thereof: Provided, That when java. dut1es are based upon the weight of merchandise deposited in any w,_.§{{_"“ b°“°d °“ ublic or private bonded warehouse said duties shall be levied and co — lected upon the weight of such merchandise at the time of its entry. GENERAL PROvISIONS_ General provisions. Sec. 6. That the capital of Porto Rico shall be at the city ofSan €¤1>i¤¤i- Juan and the seat of overnment shall be maintained there. Sec. 7. That all inhabitants continuing to reside therein who were d£,£1¤;:1¤i¤hu¤¤b5w¤¤; Spanish subjects on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and pom Ricoglexius ° ninety-nine, and then resided in Porto Rico, auf their children born subsequent thereto, shall be deemed and held to be citizens of Porto Rico, and as such entitled to the protection of the United States, except such as shall have elected to preservetheir allegiance to the Crown of Spain on or before the eleventh day of April, nineteenhundred, in accordance with the provisions of the treaty of eace V0l.30,p.1759. between the United States and Spam entered into on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine; and the , together wit -§<;ug<>;¤;,§¢¤¢•= body such citizens of the United States as may reside in Igvorto Rico, shall po` constitute a body politic under the name of The People of Porto Rico, with govgrpmentgl poweifs as hereinafter conferre , and with pOW€1' to sue an e sue as suc . Sec. 8. That the laws and ordinances of Porto Rico now in force t_E¤g3¤i¤s laws conshall continue in full force and effect, except as altered, amended, or liiiieeia. modified hereinafter, or as altered or modined by military orders and , 1 decrees in force when this Act shall take edect, and so far as the saiiie y _..· ·‘iare not inconsistent or in conflict with the statutory_laws_.of the United < ..__ States not locally inapplicable, or the provisions helvéof, 'iuitil altered, amended, or repealed by the legislative authority hereinafteigpvided for Porto Rico or by Act of Congress of the United States: ewvided, ***0***%*0*- ’ That so much of the law which was in force at the time of cession, -m¤m¤ge of passe, April eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, forbidding the mar- °t°` — riage of priests, ministers, or followers of any_faith because of vows they may have taken, beiniparagraph four, art1cle eighty-three, chapter three, c1v1l code, and w 1ch was continued by the order of the secretary of justice of Porto Rico, dated March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and promulgated by Major-General Guy V. Henry, United States Volunteers, is hereby repealed and annulled, and all persons lawfull married in Porto Rico shall have all the rights and remedies conferred, by law uipon parties to either civil or relig1ous marriages: And provided fart er, hat paragraph one, article one -mu1my,e¤e. hundred and tive, section four, divorce, civil code, and paragraph two, section nineteen, of the order of the minister of justice of Porto Rico, dated March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and promulgated by Major-General %}uy V. Henry, United States Volunteers, be, and thelsamle hlereby alre, sglamendefi as to read: "Adu1tery on the T art of eit er the usban or the wife. P Sec. 9. That the Commissioner of Navigation shall make such reg- PN:·¤i§r;¤1iz¤¤i¤¤1 or ulations, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, as °r ° 1°”“v°”° il he ma deem expedient for the nationalization of all vessels owned by the inhabitants of Porto Rico on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and which continued to be so owner? up to the date of such nationalization, and for the admission of the same to all the benefits of the coastin, trade of the United States; and the coasting trade between Porto igico and the United States shall be regg ulated in accordance with the provisions of law ap licable to suc trade between any two great coasting districts of the United States.