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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/144

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92 FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 192. 1900. room, one at one thousand eight hundred dollars, and two at one thousand two hundred dollars each; foreman, one thousand five hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; folder in sealing room, one thousand two hundred dollars; page, Eve hundred dollars; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; ten folders, at nine hundred dollars each; five folders, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; three folders durin the session, at seven_ty dollars per month each, eight hundred and forty dollars; fifteen folders, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; night watchman, nine hundred dollars; drive1·, six hundred dollars; fourteen messengers, on the soldiers’ roll, at one Pages- thousand two hundred dollars each; two chief pages, at nine hundred dollars each; thirty-three pages, boys not under twelve years of age, during the session, including two riding a es, one telephone page, and one telegraph page, at two dollars and) gfty cents er day each, nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents; two messengers during the session, at seventy dollars per month each, five Lab°'€”· hundred and sixtv dollars; ten laborers, during the session, at sixty dollars per month each, two thousand four hundred dollars; eight , laborers, known as cloakroom men, at six hundred dollars each; horse _ and buggy, for Department messenger, two hundred and fifty dollars; mf,§§§',E§f·,‘,§f· °°°“` four assistants in document room, one at one thousand six hundred dollars, one at one thousand two hundred dollars, and two at one thousand dollars each; in all, one hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and forty-six dollars and fifty cents. M1 G*“"S°“· For employment of Joel Grayson in document room, one thousand eight hundred dollars. €€§i“°’“Y ‘*mP]°Y‘ {hor the following minority employees authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives December seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, namely: ,One special emplo ee, one thousand five hundred dollars; two special messengers, at one tfiousand two hundred dollars each; and one special chief page, nine hundred dollars; in all, four thousand eight hundred dollars. mf}I§§fn°’;¥;;e¤g§rP“r*‘ For the assistant Deipartment messenger authorized and named in ` the resolution adopte bv the House of Representatives December seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Spécialmmeugw For the special messenger authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives January fifteenth, nineteen hundred, one thousand two hundred dollars. _ auiygggeeter. assis- OFFICE OF Posrnmsrnn: For Postmaster, two thousand five hundred ’dollars; assistant postmaster, two thousand dollars; ten messengers, includin messenger to superintend transportation of mails, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three messengers, during the session, at eight hundred dollars each; four messenglers, at one hundred dollars per month each, during the session, one thousand six hundred dollars; and one laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, twenty-one thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. H°fS€S¤¤dW¤8<>¤S· For hire of horses and mail wagons for carrying the mails, two thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessarv. R¤P<>¤i¤8 d*=b¤*€S· OFFICIAL Rnromrnnsz For five official reporters of the roeeedings and debates of the House, at five thousand dollars each; assistant official reporter, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, twenty-six thousand two hundred dollars. s coigggggghers ¤<> _ S*rnNoGR.AFHFns TO COMMITTEESZ For three stenographers to com- ` mittees, at five thousand dollars each; assistant stenogra her to committees, one thousand six hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand six hundred dollars. ,"1?;¤ri¤s the ¤<>~- That wherever the words "during the session " occur in the foremn d°§°€d` oing paragraphs they shall be construed to mean four months, or one hundred and twenty-one days.