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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/145

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FIFTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. SE~S. I. Ch. 192. 1900. 93 Fon CLERK HIRE, MEMBERS AND DELEGATES: To pay Members and begggd gig agggm- Delegates the amount which they certify they have paid or agreed to g ` pay for clerk hire necessarily employed by them in the discharge of their official and representative duties, as rovided in the Joint Resolution approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, Vol. 21, p. 757. during the session of Congress, and when Congress is not in session as provided in House Resolution passed May eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and the deficiency appropriation Act approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, four hundred andseven- v01. 30, p. csv. teen thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; and ,1§°Q§’kS*°’m€mb€”‘ Representatives and Delegates elect to Congress whose credentials in due form of law have been duly filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-one R. s., see. ai, p. 6. of the Revised Statutes of the"‘United States, shall be entitled to _ payment under this appropriation. Fon 0oN*r1NeEN*r EXPENSES, NAMELY: For wrapping paper, paste- Comingenrexpenses. board, paste, twine, newspaper wrappers, and other necessary mate- rowing mmnais. rials for folding, fc r the use of Members of the House, and for use in the Clerk’s office and the House folding room (not including envelopes, writing pager, and other paper and materials to be printed and furnished by the Public Printer, upon requisitions from the Clerk of the _ House, under the provisions of the Act approved January twelfth, V°l·28·i°·62‘*· eighteen hundred and ninety-five, for the public printing and binding), seven thousand dollars. For fuel and oil for the heating apparatus, thirteen thousand dollars. Fue1,oi1, em. For furniture, and repairs of the same nine thousand dollars. Furniture. For packing boxes, three thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars Packing boxes. and forty cents. _ _ For miscellaneous items and expenses of special and select com- Miseeiianeousnems. mittees, twenty thousand dollars. For stationery for members of the House of Representatives, includ- Si¤ii¤¤¤iving five thousand dollars for stationery for the use of the committees and officers of the House, fiftv thousand dollars. For postage stamps for the Postmaster, one hundred dollars; for the P¤S¤is¢ ¤i¤¤¤1>¤- Clerk, three hundred dollars; for the Ser cant-at—Arms, two hundred dollars; and for the Doorkeeper, fifty dollars; in all, six hundred and Efty dollars. ‘ oEE1oE or THE PUBLIC PRINTER. Public Dri¤ti¤s· For Public Printer, four thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, 0,;*,;: P¤’i¤i<>i· two thousand five hundred dollars; two clerks of class four; two clerks ’ ` of class three; one clerk of class two; in all, fifteen thousand two hundred dollars. . For contingent expenses, namely: For stationery, postage, adver- Coniinscntexpenses. tising, traveling ex enses, horses and wagons, and miscellaneous items, three thousand dollldrs. · ' LIBRARY or CONGRESS. Libm>’¤fC<>¤g¤>S¤- General Administration: For Librarian of Congress, six thousand T;ib¤;¤i¤¤» assist: dollars; chief assistant librarian, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, &nS’°°` two thousand five hundred dollars; Librarian’s secretary, one thousand tive hundred dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; one assistant messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, fifteen thousand six hundred and twentydollars. Mail and Supply: For assistant in charge, one thousand two hundred Mail and Supply- dollars; one assistant, nine hundred dollars; one messen er boy, three guadred and sixty dollars; in all, two thousand four hundred and sixty o ars. Packing and Stamping: For two attendants, at seven hundred and mgfmklng ”°“dS°”mP· twenty dollars each; one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.