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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/146

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94 FIF'l`Y—SlXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 192. 1900. "“l"‘· Order (purchasin¤·): For chief of division, two thousand dollars; one assistant, one thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; three assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two assistants, at six hundred dollars each; one assistant, five hundred and twenty dollars; and two. messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, eleven thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. C¤wl<>s‘¤¤¤¤dS¤¤1f· Catalogue and shelf: For chief of division, three thousand dollars; two assistants, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; five assistants, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; six assistants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; eleven assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; four assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one assistant, six hundred dollars; ten assistants, at five hundred and forty dollars each; six messengers, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; in all, forty-two thousand two hundred and forty dollars. Bi¤<1i¤s- Binding: For one assistant in charge, one thousand two hundred · dollars; one assistant, nine hundred dollars; one messenger boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, two thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. Bib¤<>s¤¤r>¤Y· Bibliography: For chief of division, two thousand dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; and one messen er boy, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, six thousand and ei ity dollars. R<‘=¤di¤s ¤>¤¤¤S· Reading rooms (including evening service) and special collections: For superintendent of readin room, three thousand dollars; two assistants, at one thousand fivediundred dollars each; four assistants, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one assistant (reading room for the blind), nine hundred dollars; live assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; ten assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; evening service: five assistants, at nine hundred dollars each: fifteen assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one attendant, Senate reading room, nine hundred dollars; one attendant, Representatives’ reading room, nine hundred dollars; one attendant, Representatives’ reading room, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two attendants, - cloakrooms, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one attendant, Toner Library, nine hundred dollars; one attendant, Washingtonian Library, nine hundred dollars; four messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; two watchmen, at seven, hundred and twenty gogars each; in all, forty-seven thousand three hundred and forty to ars.

  • ’°“°‘“°al- Periodical (including evening service): For chief of division, two

thousand dollars; chief assistant, one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; three assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two messenger boys, at three hundred and sixty dollars each; for arrears of assorting and collating and to enable periodical reading room to be opened in the evening, two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, nine thou- ., sand six hundred and twenty dollars. D°°“‘“°“”· Documents: For chief of division, three thousand dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant, seven hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger, three hundred and sixty dollars; _ in all, five thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. M“‘“‘s°"‘P‘· Manuscript: For chief of division, one thousand five hundred dol- _ lars; two assistants, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one messenger be *, three hundred and sixty dollars; in all, three thousand three hundred dollars. ` M*‘pS“"" °““"$· Maps and charts: For chief of division, two thousand dollars; one assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; two assistants, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant, seven hundredand twenty dollars;