FIFTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 859. 1900. 685 foreign and domestic; telephones; copying; care of library, includin the purchase of books, photographs, prints, manuscripts, and period? icals; ferriage, tolls, and exlpress fees; costs of suits; commissions, warrants, diplomas, and disc arges; relief of vessels in distress; canal tolls and pilotage; recovery of valuables from shipwrecks; quarantine expenses; reports; professional investigation; cost of s ecial instruction, at home or abroad, in maintenance of students andpattachés, and information from abroad, and the collection and classification thereof, and other necessaryiand incidental expenses, five hundred thousand dollars: Provided, hat in lieu of traveling expenses and all allow- {ggmvé Wm me ances whatsoever connected therewith, including transportation of Uurwdgmles. baggage, officers of the Navy traveling from point to point within the nited States under orders shall hereafter receive mi eage at the rate of eight cents per mile, distance to be computed by the shortest usually traveled route; but in cases where orders are given for travel to be performed repeatedly between two or more places in the same vicinity the Secretary of the Navy ma , in his discretion, direct that actual and necessary expenses only be allowed. Actual expenses only —"'“"°“‘· shall be paid for travel under orders outside the limits of the United States in North America. · _ _ CONTINGENT, NAVY: For all emergencies and extraordinarv expenses C¤¤¤¤c¤¤f~ arising at home or abroad, but impossible to be anticipated or classi- Eed, exclusive of personal services in the Navy Department, or an of its subordinate bureaus or offices, at Washington, District of Columhia, ten thousand dollars, and to enable the Secretary of the Navy, in his discretion, to cause to be trans rted to their homes the remains of oiHcers and enlisted men of the Qvy and Marine Corps who die or are killed in action, ashore or afloat, outside of the continental limits of the United States, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum m herein appropriated shall be available for transportation of the remains mairiiisdg, °g "` of officers and men who have died or who have been killed while on dutly at any time since April twenty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety- ei t. g EMERGENCY FUND, NAVY Dm>Aa·r1uaN·r. To meet unforeseen contingencies for the maintenance of the Navy Em°'g°¤°>"“¤d· constantly arising, to be ex ended at the discretion of the President, three hundred thousand dollars. ‘ BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. mglureau of Naviga- TRANSPORTATION, RECRUITING, AND CGNTINGENT: For expenses of m_'§{g:;W£$igght{:j recruiting for the naval service; rent of rendezvous and expenses of sem. ’ maintaining the same; advertising for men and boys, and all othe1· expenses attending the recruiting for the naval service, and for the transportation of enlisted men and boys at home and abroad and of oflzicers accompanying them; for heating apparatus for receiving and training ships, and extra expenses thereof; for freight, telegraphing on pub ic business, posta e on letters sent abroad, ferriage, ice, apprehension of deserters and stragglers, continuous-service certificates, discharges, good—conduct badges, and medals for boys, schoolbooks for` training apprentices, packing boxes and materials, and other contingent expenses and 8II1B1‘g6IlC1€S arising under cognizance of the Bureau gfllfavigation, unforeseen, and impossible to classify, eighty thousand o ars. GUNNERY EXERCISESZ For prizes for excellence in gunnery exer· ““““"'>’ °X°‘°i“°°· cises and target practice; diagrams and reports of target practice; for the establishment and maintenance of targets and ranges, for hiring established ranges, and for transporting to and from ranges, twelve thousand dollars.
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