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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 31.djvu/736

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654 FIFTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 822,859. 1900. June @1900- CHAP. 822.-An Act To provide an American register for the barge Davidson. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cf}? esentatives cfthe United g§f*§§°e§DXfQ§§‘;; States of America in Ocngress assembled, mit the Secretary of.the rezisten Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to cause the foreign-built barge Ringhorn, owned by James T. O’Donnell, a citizen of the United States, to be registered as a vessel of the United States under the name of Davidson. Approved, June 6. 1900. . June 7.1900- _ CHAP. 859.-An Act Making applropriations for the naval Service for the fiscal '" "°‘_° year ending June thirtieth, nineteen undred and one, and for other purposes. _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House gr Representatives of the [batted pr§§Q};l,0${’;"‘°° "*" States of America in Ocngress assemble , That the following sums be, and they are hereb , appropriated, to be aid out of any money in the Treasury not otlsierwise appro riated, fldr the naval service of the Government for the year ending Jliine thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, and for other purposes: PAY or THE NAVY. PW °f 9*** NWY- Pay and allowances rescribed by law of officers on sea duty; officers on shore and other diity; officers on waiting orders; otHcers on the retired list; Admiral’s secretary; clerks to commandants of yards and stations; clerks to playmasters at yards and stations; general storekeepers, receiving s ips and other vessels; for four additional clerks, one to commandant, at onethousand five hundred dollars per year, and one·to paymaster and general storekeeper, at one thousand three hundred dollars per year, at Honolulu, and one to commandant, at one thousand five hundred dollars per year, and one to paymaster and general storekeeper, at one thousand three hundred dollars per year, at Samoa; commutation of quarters for officers on shore not occupying public quarters; pay of enlisted men on the retired list; extra pay to men reenlisting under honorable discharge; interest on deposits by men; pay of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and ap rentice boys, including men in the en ineers’ force and for the Fisli) Commission, seventeen thousand five gundred men and two thousand five hundred apprentices under training at training stations and on board training _ _ s 1ps, and for men detailed for duty; with naval militia at the pay prescribed by law, twelve million eig t hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven dollars, PAY, M1sonLLANEoUs. P°Y·m*S"°“““°""“- For commissions and interest; transportation of funds; exchange; mileage to officers while travelin under orders in the United States, and transportation of baggagealifowed by regulations, and for actual personal expenses of oincers while traveling abroad under orders, and for traveling expenses of civilian employees, and for actual and necessary traveling expenses of naval cadets while proceeding from their homes to the Naval Academy for examination and appointment as cadets; for rent and furniture of buildings and offices not in navy-yards; expenses of courts-martial, prisoners and prisons, and courts of inquiry, boards of inspection, examining boards, with clerks’ and witnesses’ fees, and traveling expenses and costs; stationery and recording expen`ses of purchasing-paymasters’ offices of the various cities, including clerks, furniture, fuel, stationery, and incidental expenses; newspapers and advertising; foreign postage; telegraphing,